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Mobage AIR SDK developers

This is an Adobe AIR binding to Mobage Native SDK.

as/ ActionScript interface to android/ and ios/ android/ Eclipse project for Android (you will find project for jp and kr) ios/ Xcode project for iOS samples/ Example projecs

This SDK works on Android 2.2 or later, and iOS 5.1.1 or later.


The build processes are controlled by make.

./ for configuration path of Mobage Native SDK and Air SDK

as/Makefile for MobageSDK4AIR.ane, the library for ActionScript 3.0

ios/Makefile for libMobageSDK4AIR.a, which will be included in ANE

android/Makefile for MobageSDK4AIR.jar, which will be included in ANE

to build the ANE file you will need to reconfigure the path on ./ You will need to select which region you want to build.

Run the following command on the root directory to build (if you only type 'make' the default region will be Japan):

  • For Japan SDK "make toggle-jp"

  • For Korea SDK "make toggle-kr"

ANE file for you which will be located under as/.


Following are the requirements for development.

Flash Builder 4.7 (AIR SDK 16.0 or later)
Eclipse Juno or later Xcode 6.1 or later Android Developers Tools 21 or later


See the following page on how to create AS DOCS.


Import android/ into Eclipse, edit source code, and then run 'make'.

  • Make sure you have setup enviromental path for "android"(located in $YOUR_ADT_PATH/sdk/tools) and "ant"(installed by default on Mac usr/bin/).

Note that the Android emulator is not used as a development environment.

About Google Play Games Library

We recommend that you use Google Play Games Services library version 4.X (tested version).

Adding Google Play library

  1. Make sure you set the path to google-play-services.jar and res folder on the "./". The res folder needs to be named as "google-play-services-res".

  2. Add the following line in to your app.xml for AndroidManifest

  3. Call 'make' to build (For release make sure you add DEBUG option 0)

Removing Google Play library from build

  1. Open /ANE4MobageSDK/as/Android-options.xml

  2. Remove the following lines


  1. Call 'make GOOGLEPLAY=0' to build without Google Play Games Services library


Open ios/ANE4MobageSDK.xcodeproj with Xcode 5.1 or later and edit source code, and then 'make'. Please make sure that "Apple iOS SDK" is higher then 6.1 when packaging with FlashBuilder.

Note that this doesn't work on iPhone simulator.


Type the following command in the root directory:

make toggle-?? DEBUG=0

Example: make toggle-jp DEBUG=0


See 'samples/' directory for testing projects.


There is an example project HelloMobage in the samples/ directory.

Open the project in Flash Builder and set the ANE library and 'Mobage.initialize()' arguments (i.e. region, server mode, consumer key, consumer secret and application id).

Then, run (or debug run) the AIR application in your device.