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How to install RTB

DeadBread76 edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 15 revisions

/!\ This guide is assuming you already installed Python and pip

1. Download RTB from this page You need to click on Clone or download then on download ZIP

2. Unzip the file you just downloaded (if you don't know how to do that then you really are a lost cause)

3. Run, it should handle the installation of dependencies as well as stuff like FFmpeg


If there is a problem with the installation of the dependencies, use the following command in the RTB folder

pip install -r requirements.txt

For the record, the dependecies are:

  • requests
  • pynacl
  • termcolor
  • colorama
  • youtube_dl
  • pyperclip
  • animation
  • py-cpuinfo
  • dhooks
  • PySimpleGUI
  • psutil
  • websocket_client