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HTML form builder with JavaScript and JSON. (Requires a backend to supply wanted JSON and to perform any callbacks)


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A JavaScript form builder library

This app/api allows you to setup backend resources which can send and receive JSON data to build and modify an HTML form. It can build a form with text fields, text areas, dropdown selections, checkboxes, radio buttons and even custom html elements like <divs> or <spans>.

A sample data.json source file is included for referencing the required API structure.




After setting up the HTML with the dependencies you can initialize the app with the following code example below. Note that the formr.init() method accepts an object with your configuration items.

    resourceURL: '<your url string>',
    targetURL: '<your url string>',
    liveloadURL: '<your url string>',
    debug: '<boolean true/false>',
    callback: '<your callback function>',
    preSubmit: '<your callback function>',
    buildCallback: '<your callback function>'
Argument Type Description
resourceURL string The URL that will pull the initial JSON data.
targetURL string The target URL that the API will POST to at form submission.
liveloadURL string The target URL that the API will POST to when a change occurs to a defined form input.
debug boolean Toggles console logging on or off.
callback function OPTIONAL - A callback to a function defined outside the API. This will trigger when the response is received from the user submission event. The response data will be passed to this function.
preSubmit function OPTIONAL - A callback to a function defined outside the API. This will trigger when prior to submit.
buildCallback function OPTIONAL - A callback to a function defined outside the API. This will trigger when at form build.

The formr Object

formr {
    buildCallback: ƒ buildCallback(),
    callback: ƒ callback(),
    data: [array],
    debug: true,
    init: ƒ (resourceURL,targetURL,liveLoadURL,callback),
    liveLoad: ƒ liveLoad(changed),
    liveloadURL: 'url string',
    preSubmit: ƒ preSubmit(),
    resetFields: ƒ resetFields(fields = ['input','textarea','select']),
    resourceURL: 'url string',
    targetURL: 'url string'



You can toggle logging to the web console with the formr.debug method. You should set debug to true or false in the config object at initialization. You can toggle this at runtime in the web console with formr.debug = true; or formr.debug = false;.

This replaces the native console.log();, console.warn();, console.error(); and console.dir(); with debug.log('string');, debug.warn('string');, debug.error('string'); and debug.dir(element);.

Reset Form Fields:

You can run formr.resetFields(); from the web console to reset all the fields.

You can run it without arguments to reset all fields


You can pass it an array of just the input types that you want to reset. For example:

// For multiple types

// For just one, an array is still required

JSON Format

Form Objects Types HTML Result Sub-Objects / Notes
Form Title formTitle <h2> In addition to the form Title, this will also set the Document's title.
Description description <p> In addition to the description on the form, this will also set the Document's meta description.
Input Field text, number, date <input> none
Multi Line Input Field textarea <textarea> none
Dropdown Selection dropdown <select> <option> => "options":{"key": "value"}
Checkbox Group checkboxGroup form-check <checkbox> => "options":{"key": "value"} NOTE: A label for the checkboxGroup object is REQUIRED for this to function properly.
Radio Group radioGroup form-check <radio> => "options":{"key": "value"}
Button button <button> none
File Upload file <input type="file"> none
HTML Element html <div>,<span>,<p>, etc. Provides an HTML element to insert just about anything. Needs a config sub-object to define its properties ex: "config":{"key": "value"}

The form will be constructed in the order of the objects in the JSON received.

Simple example of JSON format:

        "formTitle": "Sample Form Title"
        "description": "This is the form's description. We can explain what submitting this form will do."
        "type": "text",
        "label": "Text Label:",
        "id": "text1",
        "placeholder": "Enter text here:",
        "required": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "class": "liveload"
		"type": "html",
        "id": "html1",
		"config": {
            "type": "div",
            "class": "my-3",
            "html": "<p>This is <b>inner</b> HTML!</p>",
            "style": "color:#fb56f4"
        "type": "textarea",
        "label": "Text Area Label:",
        "id": "textarea1",
        "placeholder": "Enter text here:",
        "rows": "4",
        "required": true
        "type": "dropdown",
        "label": "Select an Option:",
        "id": "dropdown1",
        "required": true,
        "options": {
            "Label for Item 1":"Value for Item 1",
            "Label for Item 2":"Value for Item 2",
            "Label for Item 3":"Value for Item 3"
        "type": "checkboxGroup",
        "label": "Please select any options below:",
        "id": "checkGroup1",
        "value": [
            "Value for Item 2"
        "options": {
            "Label for Item 1":"Value for Item 1",
            "Label for Item 2":"Value for Item 2"
        "type": "radioGroup",
        "label": "Please select an option below:",
        "id": "radioGroup1",
        "required": true,
        "options": {
            "Label for Item 1":"Value for Item 1",
            "Label for Item 2":"Value for Item 2"
        "type": "button",
        "label": "Submit",
        "id": "submitButton"


Form inputs can be grouped into fieldsets by specifying a group name on the JSON objects that you want to group.

For Example:

    "type": "text",
    "label": "Text Label:",
    "id": "text1",
    "placeholder": "Enter text here:",
    "required": true,
    "disabled": false,
    "group": "myGroup"
    "type": "text",
    "label": "Text Label 2:",
    "id": "text2",
    "placeholder": "Enter text here:",
    "required": true,
    "disabled": false,
    "group": "myGroup"

would output something like:

<fieldset id="myGroup">
    <div class="form-group myGroup">
        <label>Text Label:</label>
        <input id="text1"/>
    <div class="form-group myGroup">
        <label>Text Label 2:</label>
        <input id="text2"/>

Live Loading

Liveloading is supported but not required. Liveloading will POST an array-encapsulated object of id:value pairs to the liveloadURL at the onchange event of specified fields.

NOTE: No validation takes place during liveload.

Formr expects return JSON to include the sent id:value pairs. It will use that JSON to rebuild the entire form and fill in the values then focus to the next field from where the user input.

NOTE: The form will be set to disabled while the POST request is in flight. This is to prevent the user from entering more values before the form is re rendered and ready, resulting in lost entries.

To use liveloading 2 things must be done.

  1. Define the "liveloadURL" in the config object at init();
  2. Set the hook on any JSON form object with the "class" property to "liveload".


        "type": "text",
        "label": "Text Label:",
        "id": "text1",
        "placeholder": "Enter text here:",
        "required": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "class": "liveload" // <--

Form Submission and Validation

Formr self validates and POSTs an array-encapsulated object of id:value pairs to the targetURL. Empty required fields will have their 'required' text changed to red to indicate to the user that something is missing.

An example of what a POST array/object would look like:

    checkGroup1: [
        "Value for Item 2",
        "Value for Item 3",
        "Value for Item 4"
    dropdown1: "Value for Item 1",
    radioGroup1: "Value for Item 2",
    text1: "sdf",
    text2: "4",
    text3: "2018-12-20",
    textarea1: "asdf"

Checkbox and radio groups will always be sent even if no selection is made. It will be sent as a blank string if no selection. 1 or more selections are sent in an array.


HTML form builder with JavaScript and JSON. (Requires a backend to supply wanted JSON and to perform any callbacks)







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