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Go-Course Repository

Welcome to the Go-Course repository! This repository contains code developed while following the Go programming language course on FreeCodeCamp's YouTube channel. You can find the course here.

Repository Structure

The repository is meticulously organized into two primary folders:

  1. course: This section encompasses the code corresponding to each chapter within the instructional segment of the course.

  2. project: Here, you'll discover the code associated with the hands-on project developed during the course.

Feel free to explore these folders and delve into the code, enhancing your understanding of Go programming.

Course Description

The course is divided into different chapters within the YT video. The concepts are explained within this video by the instructor, the code within the files for each chapter are a combination of the code created by the intstructor and some of my own notes.

Project: RSS Feed Aggregator

The project is a RSS feed aggregator. It's a web server that allows clients to:

  • Add RSS feeds to be collected
  • Follow and unfollow RSS feeds that other users have added
  • Fetch all of the latest posts from the RSS feeds they follow

RSS feeds are a way for websites to publish updates to their content. You can use this project to keep up with your favorite blogs, news sites, podcasts, and more!

Getting Started

To get started with this project, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.


  • Go 1.21.5 or later
  • PostgreSQL database

Environment Variables

The project requires the following environment variables:

  • PORT: The port on which the server will run
  • DB_URL: The connection string for the PostgreSQL database

You can set these in a .env file at the root of the project directory.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several Go files, each responsible for a specific part of the functionality:

  • main.go: The entry point of the application. It sets up the server and the routes.
  • handler_user.go: Contains handlers for user-related routes.
  • handler_feed.go: Contains handlers for feed-related routes.
  • handler_feed_follows.go: Contains handlers for feed follow-related routes.
  • handler_readiness.go: Contains the readiness probe handler.
  • models.go: Defines the data models used in the project.
  • rss.go: Contains the logic for fetching and parsing RSS feeds.
  • middleware_auth.go: Contains the authentication middleware.

Additionally, the project includes a /sql folder:

  • /sql: Contains SQL scripts for database setup and migrations. These scripts are used to create the necessary tables and relationships in the database.