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[Unmaintained] A high-performance asynchronous object mapper for .NET 4.5/Mono 2.12 and higher

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Jouhou is a high-performance asynchronous object mapper for .NET 4.5/Mono 2.12 and higher. The library introduces light-weight extension methods for DbCommand, DbConnection, DbDataReader and DbTransaction class instances. Certain optional classes have been introduced as well, implementing a connection pool and an object mapping abstraction for simple persistence.


The library can be installed using NuGet package manager. Documentation regarding the package manager can be found on the package manager website. It is also possible to clone the repository and compile the library using your favorite integrated development environment or command line tool.

Install-Package Jouhou


Queries can be executed with the DbConnection or DbTransaction extension methods AffectedAsync, AllAsync, ScalarAsync, and SingleAsync. Each method is an asynchronous method written using the .NET 4.5 async/await keywords. The queries return either dynamic or typed instances. A dynamic instance is not case sensitive.

Affected Queries

// Retrieve the number of affected rows for this delete.
int NumberOfRowsAffected = await Connection.AffectedAsync("DELETE FROM People WHERE Name = @0", "Deathspike");

Dynamic Queries

// Retrieve a person.
dynamic Single = await Connection.SingleAsync("SELECT * FROM People LIMIT 1");

// Retrieve each person where the Id is greater than 10 and Age is less than 22.
var All = await Connection.AllAsync("SELECT * FROM People WHERE Id > @0 AND Age < @1", 10, 22);

// Retrieve a scalar indicating the number of people stored in the table.
object NumberOfRows = await Connection.ScalarAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM People");

Typed Queries

// Retrieve a person.
Person Single = await Connection.SingleAsync<Person>("SELECT * FROM People LIMIT 1");

// Retrieve each person where the Id is greater than 10 and Age is less than 22.
List<Person> All = await Connection.AllAsync<Person>("SELECT * FROM People WHERE Id > @0 AND Age < @1", 10, 22);

// Retrieve a scalar indicating the number of people stored in the table.
UInt64 NumberOfRows = await Connection.ScalarAsync<UInt64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM People");


The DbConnectionPool implements a connection pool. The connection pool maintains a cache of database connections so that a connection can be reused in the future. This will avoid the additional overhead of establishing a connection and will improve the response time. The connection pool requires a connection string and provider.

// Retrieve the connection configuration from the configuration file.
var Configuration = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"];

// Instantiate a connection pool.
var ConnectionPool = new ConnectionPool(Configuration.ConnectionString, Configuration.ProviderName);

// Demonstrate the performance benefits of pooling ...
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    // Fetch a connection (First: Establish connection, Later: Reuse Connection).
    var Connection = await ConnectionPool.OpenAsync();
    // Interact with the database.
    var Example = await Connection.AffectedAsync("DELETE * FROM People");
    // Close the connection. Disposing of the connection is not allowed when pooling.

Configuration for MySQL

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
		<add name="MyConnection"
			 connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Port=3306;Database=Jouhou;User ID=root;Password=root;"
			 providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />
			<add name="MySQL Data Provider"
				 description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL"
				 type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d" />


The Mapping class implements an object mapping abstraction for simple persistence. It is configured to have limited information about your database scheme and does allow the configuration of the table name, primary key and identity. The table name is used when queries omit a SELECT statement. The primary key is used when persisting an object using the SaveAsync method and when deleting an object using the DeleteAsync method. When using the SaveAsync method, the library determines whether to use an INSERT or UPDATE statement and does so based on the primary key. If it is determined to use an INSERT statement, the Identity configuration ensures that the persisting object is assigned the database generated identity.

Defining a Mapping Class

// Mapping for the Person class; use PersonMap instead of PersonMap<Person> for dynamic mapping.
class PersonMap : Mapping<Person> {
    // Must have a connection pool; otherwise methods omitting connection/transaction will fail.
    public PersonMap(ConnectionPool ConnectionPool)
        : base(
            // The connection pool
            ConnectionPool: ConnectionPool,
            // Indicates that the primary key is an identity field.
            Identity: true,
            // The primary key. This is necessary for automated DELETE and UPDATE queries.
            PrimaryKey: "Id",
            // Set the table name. If not set, this will default to the name of the class.
            TableName: "People") {

Basic Queries

// Omit the SELECT statement and retrieve each person where the Id is greater than 10 and Age is less than 22.
List<Person> People = await PersonMap.AllAsync("WHERE Id > @0 AND Age < @1", 10, 20);

Persisting an Object

// Instantiate a person and assign the name.
var Person = new Person { Name = "Deathspike" };

// Save the person. The primary key is invalid and will cause an INSERT statement to be used.
await PersonMap.SaveAsync(Person);

// Retrieve the identifier of the person. This has been assigned the identity the database provided.
var Id = Person.Id;

Using an object with a valid primary key will cause an UPDATE statement to be used ...

// Instantiate a person and assign the name and primary key.
var Person = new Person { Id = 1, Name = "Deathspike" };

// Save the person. The primary key is valid and will cause an UPDATE statement to be used.
await PersonMap.SaveAsync(Person);

Using an enumerable with more than once object will result in a transaction ...

// Initialize an enumerable with multiple person instantiations ...
var People = new List<Person> {
    // ... instantiate a person causing an UPDATE statement ...
    new Person { Id = 1, Name = "Deathspike" },
    // ... and instantiate a person causing an INSERT statement ...
    new Person { Name = "Deathspike" }

// Save the people. A transaction will be used to save the batch of people.
await PersonMap.SaveAsync(People);

Using an established connection or transaction can make persistence of multiple batches safer and easier ...

// Open a connection.
var Connection = await ConnectionPool.OpenAsync();

// Begin a transaction.
using (var Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction()) {
    // Save the people
    await PersonMap.SaveAsync(Transaction, People);

    // Save the computers owned by the people too.
    await ComputerMap.SaveAsync(Transaction, Computers);

    // Commit the transaction.

// Close the connection.

Deleting an Object

// Retrieve a person. A person object could be instantiated instead.
var Person = await PersonMap.SingleAsync("WHERE Name = @0", "Deathspike");

// Delete the person. This will cause the object to be deleted only on the database.
await PersonMap.DeleteAsync(Person);


Jouhou was written by Roel "Deathspike" van Uden. If you have comments, questions or suggestions I would love to hear from you! To contact me, you can send me an e-mail or talk to me on the StackOverflow C# chat room. Thank you for your interest in the Jouhou high-performance asynchronous object mapper!


[Unmaintained] A high-performance asynchronous object mapper for .NET 4.5/Mono 2.12 and higher






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