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Building Debian Code Search

This document describes two main use cases: deploying DCS to a server and setting up an environment in which you can easily hack on DCS.

Building a Debian package: git-buildpackage

Just run git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder in the checked out dcs repository and you will not have to install any dependencies.

In case you don’t want to use pbuilder, git-buildpackage will work, but requires you to install the Debian packages (golang-codesearch-dev, golang-pq-dev, …) on your machine. Note that the Debian packages are separate from the build environment described below.

Setting up a build environment

Install the Go compiler and toolchain, preferably from Debian testing:

apt-get install golang-go

Go requires you to setup a directory in which all source code is stored. The location of that directory is stored in an environment variable called GOPATH:

mkdir -p ~/gocode/src
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode

Now, check out the source of dcs:

go get

All dependencies will automatically be pulled in — the command above actually not only checks out, but tries to build cmd/dcs-web, the web frontend.

The go(1) tool will leave all the checked out git repositories in “detached head” state, meaning a “git pull” will not pull new changes. To change this, use:

cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout master