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Releases: DebianDog/Jessie

DebianDog-Jessie iso image - 2016-10-16

15 Oct 07:42
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DebianDog-Jessie version 2016-10-16 is upgrade from openbox_xfce version, see here at 2. (2015-09-02)

It's a complete rebuild from scratch using a minimal (netinstall) Debian Jessie as starting point.

Bugs fixed from 2015-09-02 updates and fixes information
Other changes:

  • Only 2 boot methods now: 'Porteus style boot' and 'Live Boot 3' (standard Debian Live)
  • Extended by adding more software/applications, e.g. python (required by e.g. youtube-get2, youtube-dl), ffmpeg (required by weX (screencast app by William (mcewanw), ffconvert, pavrecord and more).
  • The main filesystem.squashfs is compressed GZIP (increases the size with more than 50MB compared to XZ compression)
    (the system boots and runs faster with GZIP compression)
  • Suspend should work now.
  • Added 'Quick-Remaster', new remaster script, concept by rufwoof (very fast!)
    (Note: works only when booted with 'Porteus style boot'). A brief description here
  • Added 'DebianDog' category to menu, containing most of the specific DebianDog system programs.
  • Option to switch to (simple) JWM (Menu > System > Start Jwm)
  • Full LZ4 boot and compression support (modified initrd to use LZ4 and squashfs-tools version 4.3-3 from Sid installed)

Thanks very much to forum members at saintless, mcewanw, sunburnt, rufwoof, backi, dancytron and others.

Forum thread: DebianDog - Jessie - Continued
New DebianDog-Jessie-2016-10-16 updates and fixes information.

New custom package repository is on Github here

Note: Above repository is not compatible with older DebianDog-Jessie ISO versions.
Also: this new release is not compatible with the custom DD repositories used in previous versions

Examples for frugal install using 'Porteus style boot' (recommended) with grub(4dos)
Changes will be saved on exit (prompt to save or not) or when running 'save2flash'
Create empty folder e.g. debdog2 on the root of a partition, and copy inside the 'live' folder from extracted iso:
Save to folder (works only on linux filesystem, e.g. ext4):

 title DebianDog jessie new -  changes on exit /debdog2/live sysvinit
 find --set-root /debdog2/live/vmlinuz1
 kernel /debdog2/live/vmlinuz1 from=/debdog2 noauto changes=EXIT:/debdog2/live 
 initrd /debdog2/live/initrd1.xz

Save to file, e.g. changes.dat (works also on e.g. FAT32):

 title DebianDog jessie new -  changes on exit /debdog2/live/changes.dat sysvinit
 find --set-root /debdog2/live/vmlinuz1
 kernel /debdog2/live/vmlinuz1 from=/debdog2 noauto changes=EXIT:/debdog2/live/changes.dat 
 initrd /debdog2/live/initrd1.xz

Last example requires that 'changes.dat' has been created already (Menu > CreateSavefile)

Or use DebianDog-installer click here to download and extract the archive - working from most linux systems to make frugal install to HDD or USB.

More info about boot methods options (except for live-boot-2 (since it's not supported in this release))
Utilities thread
HowTo thread.

See also here for more general info about DebianDog Jessie

Both systemd and sysvinit included with choice to boot the one you prefer. Adding init=/bin/systemd will boot with systemd. Removing init=/bin/systemd will boot with sysvinit.

DebianDog is set to autologin as root. If you like to use it as multiuser system it is recommended to start Slim login manager.
Use menu System -> Start/Stop Slim display-manager.
If you like to change the default autologin as root to autologin as user read here how to do it.

Login details:
root with password root
puppy with password puppy

One version (openbox_xfce-jwm) available for download:

From fredx181:
Iso: DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-jwm-2016-10-16.iso - 255 Mb - kernel-3.16.0-4-686-pae.
Md5sum: DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-jwm-2016-10-16.md5

Default WM - OpenBox with XFCE. (with option to switch to JWM (Menu > System > Start Jwm)
Default File Manager - Thunar with option to use Rox.
Default Internet Browser - Firefox-ESR.

Although some firmware is included, you might need more specific for your hardware e.g. wireless, download this
61-firmware-jessie-2016-10-16.squashfs module.
Load with Sfs-Load or (better) place in the 'live' folder (in case frugal install) and reboot.



Extra Modules Jessie v2 (2016-10-16)

13 Oct 17:13
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Extra squashfs modules for DebianDog-Jessie-2016-10-16. You can load them with sfs-load from the menu or with right click option.

DebianDog-Jessie iso images - 2015-09-02

23 Oct 18:02
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Click here for 64-bit DebianDog-Jessie from Fredx181.

DebianDog-Jessie forum thread.
DebianDog-Jessie updates and fixes information.

DebianDog-Jessie is upgrade from DebianDog-Wheezy with some modifications and fixes needed for Jessie. Same boot methods options, same Utilities thread, same HowTo thread.

Both systemd and sysvinit included with choice to boot the one you prefer. If you need to edit the boot code keep in mind adding init=/bin/systemd will boot with systemd. Removing init=/bin/systemd will boot with sysvinit.

It is not Puppy linux and it has nothing to do with Puppy based on Debian. Downloading DebianDog be ready to learn different package manager and different system setup in Debian manner.

DebianDog is a small Debian Live CD shaped to look like Puppy and act like Puppy. Debian structure and Debian behaviour are untouched and Debian documentation is 100% valid for DebianDog. You have access to all Debian repositories using apt-get or synaptic.

DebianDog is set to autologin as root. If you like to use it as multiuser system it is recommended to start XDM login manager (available only in Jwm version). Just type in terminal xdm-start and reboot. xdm-stop will reverse back autologin as root.
In OpenBox version you can install this slim deb package and use menu System -> Start/Stop Slim display-manager. If you like to change the default autologin as root to autologin as user read here how to do it.

Login details:
root with password root
puppy with password puppy

Two versions available for download (also attached here):

  1. DebianDog-Jessie-jwm_icewm-2015-09-02.iso - 160 Mb.
    Kernel-3.16.0-4-586 (for older PC).
    DebianDog-Jessie-jwm_icewm-2015-09-02-PAE.iso - 164 Mb.
    Kernel-3.16.0-4-686-pae (for modern PC).

Default WM - JWM with option to switch to IceWM.
Default File Manager - XFE with option to use Rox.
Default Internet Browser - Dillo.

Jwm version

From fredx181:
2. DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-2015-09-02.iso - 197 Mb - kernel 3.16.0-4-586 (for older PC).
DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-2015-09-02-PAE.iso - 200 Mb - kernel-3.16.0-4-686-pae (for modern PC).

Default WM - OpenBox with XFCE.
Default File Manager - Thunar with option to use Rox or XFE.
Default Internet Browser - Firefox.

OpenBox version

md5sum check

To test DebianDog for first time you need to burn it on CD and boot from it, or use DebianDog-installer click here to download and extract the archive - working from most linux systems to make frugal install to HDD or USB, or to extract /live folder on top of a partition or USB and edit grub menu.lst.

The iso is hybrid and you can make bootable usb using dd command. This option is for users with more experience and makes the usb partition with DebianDog files read-only without option to replace the included boot menu with custom menu entry.
Hybrid-iso to usb example using /dev/sdb flash drive posted here.

It is recommended to use DebianDog-installer working on most linux systems - attached here.

To keep the size small as possible all /usr/share/locale files for the included packages are moved in separate squashfs module 00-locale-files-jessie-openbox_xfce.squashfs and 00-locale-files-jwm-icewm-jessie.squashfs available for download from sfs-get or from here.
In case you like to change the localization install locales and load the module or place it inside /live/image/live to be loaded at boot time.
You can also install localepurge and copy only the language files you need from the squashfs module in /usr/share/locale directory to save space in the future.
Included menu-openbox from Fred with localisation support (the default menu displays categories and menu entries only in English). In case you like to change the localisation type menu-openbox in terminal or start it from System -> Menu Openbox.
More information about changing localization read here, here and here.

DebianDog has tools similar to Puppy. You can create easy separate squashfs modules and remaster the system with all personal changes.
You can even use/convert pet packages and sfs files from Puppy but it is not recommended if you like to keep well working apt-get/Synaptic package manager (which is the main advantage using DebianDog).

A big thanks to Kazza and for providing the hosting space for all DebianDog versions, modules and packages!

Related links:
LZ4 boot support for DebianDog-Jessie
Lumina Desktop for DebianDog and MintPup
Setting up Chinese fonts github wiki from limelime
DebianDog wireless LAN HowTo thread
MintPup-Trusty LTS
Kingston wps-office sfs module
Infinality fonts packages for Debian Wheezy (thanks to Keisha)
DebianDog HowTo thread
DebianDog Utilities thread
Systemd boot information
Install Spotify on Debian/DebianDog
DebianDog + Blue Pup Quirky Tahr Dual Boot USB Stick How-To
How To Make A Network Storage NAS Appliance With DebianDog and OpenMediaVault
Use old Skype version after 01.08.2014

Extra modules Jessie

29 Oct 14:22
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Extra squashfs modules for DebianDog-Jessie. You can load them with sfs-load from the menu or with right click option.

md5sum check

00-boot-folder-vmlinuz-initrd-jessie.squashfs - the original /boot folder content (most probably you will never need it).
00-locale-files-jessie-openbox_xfce.squashfs - /usr/share/locale files for OpenBox version.
00-locale-files-jwm-icewm-jessie.squashfs - /usr/share/locale files for Jwm version.
024-goffice-lupu-528JP-1-jessie.squashfs - includes light versions abiword, gnumeric, inkscape.
061-DEVX-DebianDog-Jessie.squashfs - development tools for compiling.
061-man-doc-info-jessie.squashfs -man, doc and info files from /usr/share.
Midori-0.5.2-portable-appimage.tar.gz - midori browser portable appimage.
midori-0.5.2.squashfs - midori browser squashfs module.
slimjet-i386.squashfs - Slimjet web browser. - infinality fonts for DebianDog-Jessie - extract the archive and follow the instruction from Readme.txt
09-jessie-repo-2016.03.13.squashfs - snapshot repository with special DebianDog-Jessie packages. Probably you will never need it. Just backup version for use from your hard drive. Downloading the module in /live/image/live and reboot will add path to local repository in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb file:///media/Packages/ ./

After updating the repository list apt will search also in /media/Packages.

sudo apt-get update

Unloading the module will restore the previous /etc/apt/sources.list content.