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Services sharing - device2device - system sharing

I can use my personal server to synchronize files between my devices

I can use my personal server to synchronize domain-specific files

For instance: synchronize addressbooks, calendars, todo lists, photo albums. This requires compatible data formats and probably also smarter conflict resolution.

Context adaptation

From my laptop I shared photos on a desktop client, synchronized with my personal server. My photos are quite heavy with a high resolution. My smartphone is synchronized as well with the photos, but I only receive the shared photo in a smaller resolution, to save disk space and bandwith.

Person sharing - Person2Person


Public - Share something publicly with one or more contacts

  • Create some public content (e.g. a file or a blog post)
  • Select one or more people to share the content with, e.g. from my address book
  • Each person gets a notification that the content has been shared with them on their own system

Private - Share something privately with one or more contacts

  • Create some private content (e.g. a file or a blog post)
  • Select one or more people to share the content with, e.g. from my address book
  • Each person gets a notification that the content has been shared with them on their own system
  • Each person may see the content securely without having to create an account on the content owner's system or log in again
  • Nobody else can see the content


Interact with third-party content

  • Everyone who can see the content can comment on it and participate in a discussion with each other
  • Their identity (name and avatar) is drawn from their own self-hosted profiles
  • They receive notifications on their own systems when the conversation is added to
  • Content can also be marked as starred or *reshared *by a user
  • Custom annotations like vote-up and vote-down could be possible

User tagging

I can include a reference to a user in a post. If I syndicate that post to Twitter, the reference will be turned into a Twitter handle.

  • If I syndicate that post to Facebook, the reference will be turned into a username reference.


personal server context

If two people both have a personal server, then there are probably several options for this. Sometimes the medium you choose signals the urgency.

See if someone is online / what they're up to.

Messaging/Voice sharing

Instant messaging or VoIP are a kind of sharing, and would be definitively interesting : start a chat in an unhosted app and receive it in your Cozy, or get notifications for a missed call.

Read - Stream

Get the latest updates

  • See all my friends' updates in a single, unified stream of content on my site
  • Some of those updates may be privacy-restricted and shown only to me or a limited audience - but they display in-line like the other content posts
  • I can interact with all of them right there from my stream

Cure content

  • By Importance: Important, Mentionned, Broadcast news, Hotness based on comment, reshare, likes...
  • Aggregate By author: if you follow on different medium, should be merged
  • By News: When there is a news, I want to know it one time. People I follow will comment on this news. And the more comment, the hotter the news is
  • to prioritize: your reader shows you content, and notifies you about content, in a way that depends on the importance of that content.
  • to manage: to store in an organized way for future reference, so you can easily find it back.

UX - Person2system

Global search

I own several decentralized instances (remote storage, known, cozy...), and I want to find a data, wherever it is. From a search bar, I type my keywords, and a distributed query will search for results and return it. With this global search, I will be able to use all my personal data without asking to myself "where is this file? On unhosted or cozy.. ?". And this will be a true interoperable system.

Share content from another system

  • A piece of content (e.g. a file) may be selected from a content stream or file folder that the user has access to
  • It may be shared and/or interacted with as described above
  • Those interactions may be displayed next to the content on its original platform

Contact management

Add someone to a contact list

  • add a public profil to a centralized address book
  • Their various profile URLs and other details are automatically read and saved to my address book
  • It is synchronised

discovery - Contact someone with whom I'm not friends yet

When I want to share something with someone I don't have in my contact, I would like to be able to perform a global search to find his personal page, wherever it is hosted. For example, if I want to share documents with Ben but I don't have any reference (url, uuid, ...). A global search would give me an info (URL, email...) to easily ask Ben to be one of my contact. If he accepts, I then can send him the documents (request and sending of docs can be a single step).

Usually: search engine + contact details on their home page. This UX could be made a lot better, faster to use, and more productive. Unless you know someone's domain name, then finding someone on facebook is easier than finding someone who has a personal server, because its search box can use bias to location, and to friends-in-common. This is one I definitely want to work on myself at some point. (Michiel)



When a meeting is organised people participating in the meeting can be identified using their WebID. This WebID allows software agents to fetch information from their profile - whatever organisation this belongs to - and display a small info box containing picture, name, blog, telephone number, email, skype address etc… (whatever is relevant) to someone who wishes to know more about who is attending. This allows one to organise cross institutional meetings as if they were intra-organisational ones.


Each actor’s calendaring information could be made available without divulging the details of what is taking place to specific groups of actors in order to facilitate automatic meeting organisation. (Instead of Doodling suitable times and several reminders, it can be deducted half automatically from participants’ calendars or from the available time slots they have indicated.)

Event id

Note that each meeting has its own global group identifier (as a URL) which lists the members attending the meeting (see next story):


Sharing with data sync :

  • WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV

Web standard, used by ownCloud for its sharing system. A different protocol for files (WebDAV), calendar (CalDAV) and contacts (CardDAV).

  • SyncThing (protocol BEP)

Still in active development, aim to provide p2p sharing between the syncthings clients with native encryption. Folder oriented, it is still young but promising. An fork exists, named Pulse.

  • XDI

Pushed by Respect Network, XDI is an open protocol for p2p semantic sharing. Not compatible for the RDF syntax, it is now more focused on secure messaging; but the future of XDI is not very clear for now.

  • CouchDB replication

    Based on versioning (MVCC), the couchDB replication works extremely well to sync data between 2 remote server. It would be possible to use only the replication protocol with a different backend (MongoDB, filesystem...), as long as the same versioning system is the same.

Torrent sharing

  • BTSync

Extremely popular, it is not open and so not usable at all. But I quote it for the record

  • MaidSafe

A growing project, very promising. The idea is to allocate some hard drive space and computational resources to the SAFE network, and use it to have data replicated and hashed through several remote nodes. Use bitcoin-like, safecoin, to retribute participating users.


  • XMPP

Essentialy used for instant messaging, it was originally developed by Jabber before its standardization by the IETF. It is also possible to use it to transfer files, but it is not designed for it.

  • Matrix

Aim to be the new standard for instant messaging through HTTP, easier to use and lighter than XMPP, with a better identity system.

Other interesting groups

TODO - document those:

IndieWeb, multi-protocol, remotestorage, webintents, email, irc, rss, webmention, smtp, Camlistore, linked data protocol, caliopen, indiereader


Problems from real life to solve







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