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Circuits of Value ( + Unspecified (

Blockchain and Machine Learning Collaboration

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Unspecified LLC:

Applying Machine learning and Ai towards the optimization of software delivery.

Circuits of Value:

Framework for a new internet that’s distributed, decentralized and trustless. Turning traditional crypto currency models inside out and bridging the decide between utility and revolutionary.

Machine Learning technologies

  • Python
  • Gym
  • Universe
  • World of Bits

Blockchain technologies

  • NodeJS
  • Ethereum
  • Test RPC
  • Coval-Solidity

Executive Summary

Using Test RPC We create a light weight ethereum emulator to deploy smart contracts into.

We next deploy the ClickButton Contract using the Coval-Solidity Deployment CLI Tool

We then start the REST server from the CLI allowing interaction with the deployed contracts.

Next (having previously set up a working gym environment we run loads the environment to begin training a model to be able to click the button requested.

Each iteration of a task records the PointerEvent's within ethereum storage for later retrieval and and historical purposes. communicates with the contract via REST over http here:,eventId,x,y,mask

How to run locally

  • Install Ethereum testrpc in one terminal npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
  • Run testrpc (terminal 1) testrpc

  • Install Coval Solidity npm install
  • Deploy scenario "MachineLearning" (terminal 2) npm start

- Launch REST server from tools menu after deploying contract - Alternatively run from terminal `npm run web`
  • Install gym and universe pip install gym universe

  • Launch (terminal 3) python

How to run within Docker