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Implementaion of our ACL Findings 2023 paper "BIGVIDEO: A Large-scale Video Subtitle Translation Dataset for Multimodal Machine Translation"

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This repository is for the accepted ACL2023 Findings paper "BIGVIDEO: A Large-scale Video Subtitle Translation Dataset for Multimodal Machine Translation".

Our dependency

  • PyTorch version == 1.10.0
  • timm version == 0.4.12
  • vizseq version == 0.1.15
  • nltk verison == 3.6.4
  • sacrebleu version == 1.5.1
  • Please check fairseq_mmt/sh/requirements.txt for more details

Install fairseq

cd fairseq_mmt
pip install --editable ./

BigVideo Dataset

Dataset are available at here.

Please email us ( to explain your identity and purpose before requesting access.

!Directly requesting will not be approved.! Please make sure that all data are used for research only.

#  structure 
├─ text_data   # original text data and our preprocessed text data
   ├─ test.relate_score  # 1=ambiguous set  0=unambiguous set
   ├─ test.anno.combine  # our annotated ambiguous terms
   ├─            # refer to corresponding videos
├─ fairseq_bins # our preprocessed fairseq-bin
├─ video_features # our extracted video features
   ├─ VIT
   ├─ slowfast
├─ raw_videos 

Feature Extraction

An example of how to extract VIT features can be seen under fairseq_mmt/scrpits/video_extractor/vit and how to extract frames.tsv can be found in VideoSwin. You can also follow Hero_extractor for more types of video features.

Train and Test


To train our model with contrastive learning objective, following arguments are required:

--arch video_fushion_encoder_revise_one_merge_before_pewln \
--criterion cross_modal_criterion_with_ctr_revise   \
--contrastive-strategy mean+mlp  \
--contrastive-weight ${contrastive_weight}   \
--contrastive-temperature ${contrastive_temperature}  \
--video-feat-path $video_feat_path \
--video-ids-path $video_ids_path \
--video-feat-dim $video_feat_dim \
--video-feat-type $video_feat_type \
--max-vid-len 12  --train-sampling-strategy uniform   \
--video-dropout 0.0  

Please check fairseq_mmt/sh/ for more details.


fairseq-generate  $test_DATA  \
--path $checkpoint_dir/$checkpoint \
--remove-bpe \
--gen-subset $who \
--beam 4  \
--batch-size  128  \
--lenpen 1.0  \
--video-feat-path $video_feat_path \
--video-ids-path $video_ids_path \
--video-feat-dim $video_feat_dim \
--video-feat-type $video_feat_type \
--max-vid-len $max_vid_len   \
--task raw_video_translation_from_np   | tee $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.gen-$who.log

grep ^S $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.gen-$who.log | cut -d - -f 2- | sort -n -k 1 | cut -f 2- > $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.src
grep ^H $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.gen-$who.log | cut -d - -f 2- | sort -n -k 1 | cut -f 3- > $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.hypo
grep ^T $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.gen-$who.log | cut -d - -f 2- | sort -n -k 1 | cut -f 2- > $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.tgt


Quality-targeted metrics

To evaluate the generated output, we first need to detokenize the src, hypo, and target

perl $detokenizer  -l en < $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.src > $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.src.dtk
python3 /root/fairseq_mmt/scripts/ --input $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.hypo --output $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.hypo.dtk  # Chinese deokenize
python3 /root/fairseq_mmt/scripts/ --input $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.tgt --output $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.tgt.dtk    # Chinese deokenize

We evaluate the ouput with SacreBLEU, COMET, and BLEURT.
Please check fairseq_mmt/sh/ for the whole pipeline.

Terminology-targetd metrics

We adapt the code from mahfuzibnalam for terminology-targeted evaluation. You can directly get results like this:

bash /PATHTO/terminology_evaluation/ $local_output_dir/text.$checkpoint.$length_penalty.$who.hypo 

An example of the whole inference and evaluation pipeline can be found in fairseq_mmt/sh/


Implementaion of our ACL Findings 2023 paper "BIGVIDEO: A Large-scale Video Subtitle Translation Dataset for Multimodal Machine Translation"






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