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MassAI SSN A(G)I Architecture


MassAI is a serious attempt at arriving at an architecture for an AI that uses a web interface to connect various IAs together, each of which can also be used by various generic client applications, which need to follow a standard protocol in order to make sure they become properly attached so the spiking neural network can learn from and control them.

API structure

The web API uses a simple set of GET endpoints, all with parameters in the URL. Since the parameters used are basically guids and Base64 strings for input and output, no security is used for the moment. These technical things can be either added later, or they will be safeguarded by the AIs themselves, as humans do among themselves as well.

Satellite System Connections

This is meant for any system that wishes to use a given MassAI server

Register / Unregister

Basically, these calls attach a satellite system to a server, or detach it again. The latter can be seen as an amputation, where the limb can later be reattached if it has the same number of nerves in and out.

Connect / Disconnect

Once registered, a satellite can connect and disconnect at any time, to signal its readiness. This allows for a satellite to power down and start up again. In human terms this is equivalent to the body parts exhibiting sleep paralysis. The server MassAI can then use the affected neurons to dream.

Send_Inputs / Get_Outputs

Currently satellites need to prompt the server MassAI for sending inputs or requesting outputs. These are encoded as a Base64 string, which can be converted to a slice of bytes. How these wil be connected to the spiking neurons is as yet not defined. But they will be connected one-on-one to so-called 'static' neurons, which whill always be connected to the very same input or output signal.

Inter-MassAI connections

At this moment this has not be thougth out further, but it might even turn out that the above interface might be used. As humans also use various modes of communication to connect, there is essentially no difference between a satellite system without a MassAI, or one that has a MassAI. We humans configure our communications much in the same way, just like communications in Star Trek always follow a fixed pattern (Hail / Open a Channel / Communicate / Close Channel).


The idea is that neurons will be all identifiable by a GUID at creation, but this has no meaning other than to link the in memory instance of the neuron to its on disk image. For now persistence will just be a simple JSON file, which may be improved upon later. Proof of Concept Architecture first, then off to performance implications.


I code in Go at the moment, for its cross-platform capabilites, multicore programming, and easy communications setup. But since the interconnection is an OpenAPI spec, you could implement clients in any language capable of network communication.

Whenever possible, calls used often are wrapped in the codebase module of the project, because I found that for instance on Raspberry Pi, some standard library calls are not implemented. The codebase layer is hoping to genralize away such inconsistencies, so MassAI server could be implemented on as wide a range of hardware as possible.

Help Welcome

For now the code is still a private repository on my Github at, but I welcome those who wish to participate. Once cocreators appear, I will set up the project properly, and make the repository public. It is however my strong desire NOT to go the way of OpenAI: success will NEVER lead to this project becoming closed source!


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