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A Password Manager With Added Goodies like FileSafe, SecretNotes and Diary

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This Project was done by Deepan.N ( 18PT43 ) and Jayanth.S.K ( 18PT42 ) as a part of DBMS Package.

Explanation Video

Click on this link to see the Explanation Video for this Package

IceBox Password Manager

IceBox is a software containing

  • PasswordProtector
  • FileSafe (to store confidential files in encrypted format)
  • SecretNotes (to store confidential information)

How to use

Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements

Open IceBoxPasswordManager.pyw to get to the login screen.

If you don't have an account, click the signup option, enter your details (name, username, mail ID, phone number and password) and enter the OTP sent via mail to create an account.

Now you can login to your account by entering your username and password.

If you forgot your password, click forgot password , enter username, mail ID and enter the OTP sent via mail to create a new password.


Passwords here are stored safely.

Create Password: Enter the website for which you are creating the password and it suggests a strong password or else you can use your custom password.

Edit Password: Enter the website for which you are editing the password and enter the new password.

Delete Password: Enter the website for which you are deleting the password.

Show Passwords: Shows all websites with their respective passwords.

Use Password: Enter the website for which you have to use the password and place the cursor in the field where you have to use the password and press ok to autofill the password.


The files you store here will be encrypted and stored safe using 3-file encryption module and script that uses AES256-CBC to encrypt/decrypt files using passwords and binary streams.

Add file: Choose the file to be uploaded and enter a password for encryption. The list of available files are shown by default.

View file: Select the file to be viewed, click view selected file and enter the password to view the file.

Delete file: Select the file to be deleted, click delete selected file and enter the password to delete the file.


Notes are saved securely. Can also be used as a diary as date and time are stored accurately.

Write notes: Add notes by giving a title and write in the content box and save it.

View notes: Select the title of the notes to be viewed and click view this note to view.

Delete notes: Select the title of the notes to be deleted and click delete this note to delete.

Explanation Video

Watch Explanation Video to know more about IceBox.


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