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Installing RLMods on MacOS

Deijin27 edited this page May 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Install .NET 6.0 Runtime

You only need the runtime to run RanseiLink-Console

Download RanseiLink-Console

You can find the latest release here:
GitHub release (latest by date)

From the assets list you want do download the one called


Then unzip the downloaded file.

How to use RanseiLink-Console

This is a console application, meaning you use it via a terminal window

  1. Open a terminal window

  2. In the terminal window, navigate to the folder that contains the app files (specifically, RanseiLink-Console.dll). If the unzipped folder is on desktop, you would write the command and hit enter:
    cd ~/Desktop/RanseiLink-Console-4.0

  3. Try a couple of tests to make sure you've navigate to the right location:

  • The command ls should list the files in the current directory. Confirm that this list contains RanseiLink.Console.dll
  • Type dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll. The program should print out a list of commands that are available. This confirms that dotnet and ranseilink is up and running
  1. The first command is populate graphics defaults. This is necessary for mods that modify images, It extracts certain files from the rom that are needed to convert images stored in mods to images used by the game. You will only ever need to run this once (except if future versions of RanseiLink require new information of course)
    Type the following command, and provide it with the file path of an unchanged rom.
    dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll populate graphics defaults "/Users/Someone/Downloads/Rom.nds"

  2. Next you need to import the mod you want to use.
    dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll import mod "/Users/Someone/Downloads/MyMod.rlmod"
    This will automatically set select that mod ready for use in the next step, you can view the currently selected mod with the command
    dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll current mod

  3. Finally comes the time to patch the rom. Make sure to keep a copy of your unchanged rom safe somewhere else first.
    dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll commit mod "/Users/Someone/Downloads/rom-copy.nds"

Done, your rom should now be patched with the mod you chose.