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Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Prediction and Control at Intersections using State and Intention Information

Project page | Paper | ArXiv (old version)


Traditional deep learning approaches for prediction of future trajectory of multiple road agents rely on knowing information about their past trajectory. In contrast, this work utilizes information of only the current state and intended direction to predict the future trajectory of multiple vehicles at intersections. Incorporating intention information has two distinct advantages: 1) It allows to not just predict the future trajectory but also control the multiple vehicles. 2) By manipulating the intention, the interaction among the vehicles is adapted accordingly to achieve desired behavior. Both these advantages would otherwise not be possible with using only past trajectory information. Our model utilizes message passing of information between the vehicle nodes for a more holistic overview of the environment, resulting in better trajectory prediction and control of the vehicles. This work also provides a thorough investigation and discussion into the disparity between offline and online metrics for the task of multi-agent control. We particularly show why conducting only offline evaluation would not suffice, thereby necessitating online evaluation. We demonstrate the superiority of utilizing intention information rather than past trajectory in online scenarios. Lastly, we show the capability of our method in adapting to different domains through experiments conducted on two distinct simulation platforms i.e. SUMO and CARLA.



  • Controlling vehicles without message passing (baseline) [video]
  • Controlling vehicles with message passing. [video]


1) Packages Install

First you need to create a new environment and install some packages by running the following commands:

conda create -n mvn python=3.7
conda activate mvn
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge cvxpy
conda install -c anaconda lxml
conda install -c anaconda pandas

2) Software Install

This research project is based on the SUMO-CARLA co-simulation, so you need to install these two traffic simulation software on your machine. More information about this co-simulation setup is available here.

Alternatively, you could install SUMO by running:

pip install eclipse-sumo

After that, you could check if the installation is successful. For CARLA, you could run:

cd ${Carla_folder}
# Navigate to the CARLA folder, e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Downloads/CARLA_0.9.10

bash    # Linux
# If you use Windows, execute CarlaUE4.exe

Then you should be able to see a city scenario shown in CARLA, as depicted in the following image. image

As for SUMO, after running


in the terminal, you should be able to see an empty window of SUMO, as depicted in the following image. image

Run the Inference code

1) Put the inference code and the map in place

The code in this project is partially developed on top of the official code of CARLA-SUMO co-simulation. Thus, some official scripts need to be replaced by the files in this repository.

First navigate to the directory where Carla is installed, then copy the directories and the scripts in this repository and put them in the correct place as the following image shows.


Red: the scripts that we develop based on the official CARLA code, they need to be replaced by the scripts provided in this repository

Green: new created scripts or directories. They are provided in this repository and need to placed in the corresponding locations shown in the figure above

Blue: the original scripts or directories in the Carla folder that don't need to be replaced

2) Activate our map in CARLA

In this project, we create an intersection scenario. The 3D map of this scenario can be activated by:

conda activate mvn

cd ${Carla_folder}/PythonAPI/util   # e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Downloads/CARLA_0.9.10/PythonAPI/util

python -x ../../Co-Simulation/Sumo/sumo_files/map/map_15m.xodr

Now the intersection scenario should have already been activated, as depicted in the following image. You can use the mouse and "W", "A", "S", "D" as arrow keys to change your perspective view. image

3) Run the inference code

First we need to set the environment variable SUMO_HOME properly, which should be the location of SUMO installation. If you installed SUMO from pip, you can get the location by running:

pip show eclipse-sumo
# On our machine, this path is: /usr/stud/zhud/miniconda3/envs/mvn/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sumo

Then set SUMO_HOME by:

export SUMO_HOME=${SUMO location}
# e.g. export SUMO_HOME=/usr/stud/zhud/miniconda3/envs/mvn/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sumo

Note: if you meet the problem of loading traci module (e.g. ImportError: No module named traci), you should check if SUMO_HOME path is set properly.

If the above steps all work properly, we can finally run the inference code to control the vehicles at this intersection! Just run the following commands:

cd ${Carla_folder}/Co-Simulation/Sumo   
# e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Downloads/CARLA_0.9.10/Co-Simulation/Sumo

python  ${SUMO_config_file}  --tls-manager carla  --sumo-gui  --step-length ${step_length} --pretrained-weights ${path_to_pretrained_weights}

# e.g. python  sumo_files/sumocfg/09-11-15-30-00400-0.09-val_10m_35m-7.sumocfg  --tls-manager carla  --sumo-gui  --step-length 0.1  --pretrained-weights  trained_params_archive/sumo_with_mpc_online_control/model_rot_gnn_mtl_wp_sumo_0911_e3_1910.pth

Now you should be able to see some vehicles appear and start moving, and the scenarios in SUMO and CARLA should be synchronized, as depicted in the following image (left: SUMO, right: CARLA). image


In this repository, we also release the code for generating data from the SUMO simulator and training the model on your own.

1) Generate the dataset from SUMO

First, you can use provided in this repository to generate the training set and validation set from SUMO by running:

cd ${folder of this repository} 
# e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Multi_Agent_Intersection

python --num_seconds ${length of the generated sequence (unit: second)} --split ${train or val}
# e.g. python --num_seconds 1000 --split train

The data (.csv format) will be generated in csv folder.

Note: the SUMO map used in the above execution is sumo/map/ In case you want to design a new map, you can use netedit by running:

netedit     # or execute netedit.exe on Windows

2) Preprocess the data

In this project, we use MPC to augment the training set, which aims to improve the robustness of vehicle when it deviate from the center of the lane. The script is provided in this repository. Please run the following command in the terminal:

cd ${folder of this repository} 
# e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Multi_Agent_Intersection

python --csv_folder ${csv folder} --pkl_folder ${pkl folder} --num_mpc_aug ${number of MPC data augmentation}

# e.g. python --csv_folder csv/train --pkl_folder csv/train_pre --num_mpc_aug 2

# Note: in case you don't want to have MPC data augmentation, set num_mpc_aug to 0,
# e.g. python --csv_folder csv/train --pkl_folder csv/train_pre --num_mpc_aug 0

Now the preprocessed data (*.pkl) is available in pkl folder folder.

3) Train the model

Once the training set and validation set are obtained, you can begin to train your model by running:

python --train_folder ${path to the training set} --val_folder ${path to the validation set} --epoch ${number of total training epochs} --exp_id ${experiment ID} --batch_size ${batch size}

# e.g. python --train_folder csv/train_pre --val_folder csv/train_pre --epoch 20 --exp_id sumo_0402 --batch_size 20

Once the training process is finished, you can find the trained weights in trained_params/${exp_id} folder.

4) Run the inference on CARLA-SUMO co-simulation

If the above steps all work properly, now you can use the weights trained on your own to control the vehicles at the intersection as we showed you before.

cd ${Carla_folder}/Co-Simulation/Sumo   
# e.g. cd /home/stud/zhud/Downloads/CARLA_0.9.10/Co-Simulation/Sumo

python  ${SUMO_config_file}  --tls-manager carla  --sumo-gui  --step-length ${step_length} --pretrained-weights ${path_to_pretrained_weights}

# e.g. python  sumo_files/sumocfg/09-11-15-30-00400-0.09-val_10m_35m-7.sumocfg  --tls-manager carla  --sumo-gui  --step-length 0.1  --pretrained-weights /home/stud/zhud/Multi_Agent_Intersection/trained_params/sumo_0402/model_gnn_wp_sumo_0402_e3_0010.pth


The MPC module used in this repository to control the vehicles is modified from the code developed here. Meanwhile, as mentioned above, the SUMO and CARLA simulators were used for creating the intersection map and conducting the online evaluation. Please refer to the corresponding License of these resources regarding their usage.


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