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INSPECTOR4J , IN(PUT)(INS)PECTOR for Java , is a Java library which provides method and arguments inspect and generates nodes which represents both.


Use the package manager maven to install inspector4j. On your project maven POM.xml add bellow dependencies:

  <!-- API -->


Getting Started

Consider the bellow class which we intend to inspect the parameters.

package org.inspector4j.impl;

import org.inspector4j.Secret;
import org.inspector4j.impl.model.Address;

public class UserServiceImpl {

    public String create(String name, String surname, @Secret Address address) {


Where org.inspector4j.impl.model.Address has the bellow content:

package org.inspector4j.impl.model;

import org.inspector4j.Secret;

public class Address implements Serializable {

   private String avenue;
   private String number;

    public String getAvenue() {
        return avenue;

    public void setAvenue(String avenue) {
        this.avenue = avenue;

    public String getNumber() {
        return number;

    public void setNumber(String number) {
        this.number = number;


Consider also the file inspector4j.xml , with the bellow content, is located under src/main/resources

<Configuration xmlns="">
    <Root secrets-visibility="MASKED" vallow-runtime-config="false"/>
    <Inspector name="org.inspector4j.impl.RunnerImpl" secrets-visibility="VISIBLE" allow-runtime-config="false"/>

Consider the bellow Class , RunnerImpl . which is the main Class.

package org.inspector4j.impl;

import org.inspector4j.Inspector4J;
import org.inspector4j.api.InspectionResult;
import org.inspector4j.impl.model.Address;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class RunnerImpl {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Method method = UserServiceImpl.class.getMethod("create", String.class, String.class, Address.class);
        InspectionResult result = Inspector4J.get().inspect(method, new Object[]{"Delfim", "RaitonBL ", new Address("Av.25 de Setembro", "0001")});
        System.out.println(result.toMap()); // Line 1

        result = Inspector4J.get(RunnerImpl.class).inspect(method, new Object[]{"Delfim", "RaitonBL ", new Address("Av.25 de Setembro", "0001")});
        System.out.println(result.toMap()); // Line 2



The above code print's the bellow :

  • { adress={**} surname=RaitonBL , name=Delfim}
    Where the org.inspector4j.api.Inspector instance constructed through Inspector4J.get() ( configured with Root tag from inspector4j.xml , which ignores secret's since secret-visibility is MASKED).
  • { address={number=0001, avenue=Av.25 de Setembro}, surname=RaitonBL , name=Delfim}
    Where the org.inspector4j.api.Inspector instance constructed through Inspector4J.get(RunnerImpl.class) ( configured with Inspector tag where name attribute has org.inspector4j.impl.RunnerImpl as value from inspector4j.xml , which includes secret's since secret-visibility is VISIBLE).


Inspector4J ships two (2) types of org.inspector4j.api.Inspector , Default & Specified , where Default applies to any org.inspector4j.api.Inspector instance which configuration attribute's aren't declared on the Configuration API and Specified are any org.inspector4j.api.Inspector instance which configuration is assigned to a specific name on the Configuration API. Each org.inspector4j.api.Inspector supports two (2) configuration attribute's which are:

  • secrets-visibility - can be MASKED (ignores secret inspection and prints {**} for object's or ** for basic types ) OR VISIBLE (inspect's everything including secrets) , by default the value is MASKED. Any java.reflect.Parameter or java.reflect.Field or java.reflect.Type annotated with @org.inspector4j.api.Secret are considered secrets;
  • allow-runtime-config - Boolean which determines whether the secret-visibility attribute can be overrided during a specific inspection. Whenever the value is TRUE override is supported during a inspection otherwise the override is ignored. This parameter is important in order to invoke org.inspector4j.api.Inspector InspectionResult inspect(java.reflect.Method, Object[] , boolean).

The Configuration API combines configuration values from multiple providers, each known as Configuration Provider. Each Configuration Provider has a specified priority, defined by the API. The higher the priority the values taken from the Configuration Provider will override values from lower priority Configuration Provider. The Configuration API ships four (4) Configuration Provider's , ordered by priority , which are:

  • Programatic Configuration Provider ;
  • XML Configuration Provider ;
  • Microprofile Configuration Provider
  • System Configuration Provider

Programatic Configuration

The Programatic Configuration relies on Configuration Manager which can be accessed through Inspector4J.getConfigurationManager() where ConfigurationManager setScope(org.inspector4j.Scope) and ConfigurationManager setOverridable(Boolean) applies only for Default org.inspector4j.api.Inspector , and the other's method's apply to Specified org.inspector4j.api.Inspector

package org.inspector4j.impl;

import org.inspector4j.Inspector4J;
import org.inspector4j.api.InspectionResult;
import org.inspector4j.impl.model.Address;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class RunnerImpl {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Configuration

        Method method = UserServiceImpl.class.getMethod("create", String.class, String.class, Address.class);
        InspectionResult result = Inspector4J.get().inspect(method, new Object[]{"Delfim", "RaitonBL ", new Address("Av.25 de Setembro", "0001")});
        System.out.println(result.toMap()); // Line 1

        result = Inspector4J.get(RunnerImpl.class).inspect(method, new Object[]{"Delfim", "RaitonBL ", new Address("Av.25 de Setembro", "0001")});
        System.out.println(result.toMap()); // Line 2



The Line bellow the Configuration comment represents the Programatic Configuration that matches the inspector4j.xml shown on the Getting Started example.

XML Configuration

INSPECTOR4J XML Configuration is activated whenever inspector4j.xml is found within src/resources . The xml structure is composed by an unique Root , element which configures Default org.inspector4j.api.Inspector , and repeatable Inspector , element which configures Specified org.inspector4j.api.Inspector

<Configuration xmlns="">
    <Root secrets-visibility="MASKED" allow-runtime-config="false"/>
    <Inspector name="org.inspector4j.impl.InspectorTests" secrets-visibility="VISIBLE" allow-runtime-config-="false"/>
    <Inspector name="org.inspector4j.impl.RunnableImpl" secrets-visibility="MASKED" allow-runtime-config="false"/>

The XML Configuration supports values interpolation where for example ${sys:override} will be replaced with System.getProperty("override") and ${env:override} will be replaced with System.getEnv("override"). This interpolation can be expanded to ${override} where in case System.getEnv("override") is null System.getProperty("override") override will be used.

<Configuration xmlns="">
    <Root secrets-visibility="MASKED" allow-runtime-config="false"/>
    <Inspector name="org.inspector4j.impl.InspectorTests" secrets-visibility="${env:TEST_VISIBILITY}" allow-runtime-config="${env:TEST_ALLOW}"/>
    <Inspector name="org.inspector4j.impl.RunnableImpl" secrets-visibility="${env:RUNNABLE_VISIBILITY}" allow-runtime-config="${env:RUNNABLE_ALLOW}"/>

Microprofile Configuration

INSPECTOR4J Microprofile Configuration is activated whenever Microprofile is detected within the classpath . The microprofile configuration inspect the Microprofile configuration properties for keys that match *org.inspect4j.*.secrets-visibility and org.inspect4j.*.allow-runtime-config where * should be replaced with the name associated to the Specified org.inspector4j.api.Inspector . The Default org.inspector4j.api.Inspector can be configured through *org.inspect4j.secrets-visibility and org.inspect4j.allow-runtime-config

System Configuration

INSPECTOR4J System Configuration inspect's Environment Properties and System Properties configuration properties for keys that match *org.inspect4j.*.secrets-visibility and org.inspect4j.*.allow-runtime-config where * should be replaced with the name associated to the Specified org.inspector4j.api.Inspector . The Default org.inspector4j.api.Inspector can be configured through *org.inspect4j.secrets-visibility and org.inspect4j.allow-runtime-config. The inspection search's the property on the Environment Variable and in case the property is absent on the Environment Variable then System Variables is inspected.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Apache License

Issue Tracking

Issues, bugs, and feature requests should be submitted to the [JIRA issue tracking system for this project]. Pull request on GitHub are welcome, but please open a ticket in the JIRA issue tracker first, and mention the JIRA issue in the Pull Request.

Building From Source

Inspector4j requires Apache Maven 3.x. To build from source and install to your local Maven repository, execute the following:

mvn install -f api
mvn install -f impl