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Roadrunner for CakePHP

RoadRunner is a high-performance PHP application server, load-balancer, and process manager written in Golang. Using Roadrunner you can replace php-fpm a long with nginx or apache.


  • CakePHP ^4.4
  • PHP ^8.1
  • Roadrunner ^2023.1.4

Table of Contents


Install via composer:

composer require cakedc/cakephp-roadrunner

Unlike most CakePHP plugins you won't be needing to load the plugin in your src/Application.php.

Installing Roadrunner

Roadrunner ships as a single go binary. Download the Roadrunner binary from the release page and copy the file to your filesystem, for example under /usr/local/bin/rr or /usr/bin/rr.

If your project uses Docker you can easily add the binary to your Dockerfile:

FROM spiralscout/roadrunner:2.12 as roadrunner
COPY --from=roadrunner /usr/bin/rr /usr/bin/rr

Be sure to check the Roadrunner documentation for up-to-date docker images.

Configuring Roadrunner

In a typical PHP application your webserver forwards *.php requests to php-fpm, which in turn calls the CakePHP front controller webroot/index.php. With Roadrunner, the worker file gets called by active workers to handle incoming requests to your application.

Create a Roadrunner worker file, or use the example worker provided:

cp vendor/cakedc/cakephp-roadrunner/worker/cakephp-worker.php .

Next we need to instruct Roadrunner to use our worker a long with a few other configs. Create a Roadrunner config file, or use the example config provided:

cp vendor/cakedc/cakephp-roadrunner/worker/rr.yaml .

Start the server:

/usr/local/bin/rr serve -d -c rr.yaml

You should now be able to browse to http://localhost:8080


If you need sessions ensure you add the following to your session config in your CakePHP config/app.php

    'Session' => [
        'defaults' => 'php',
        'ini' => [
            'session.use_trans_sid' => false,
            'session.use_cookies' => false,
            'session.use_only_cookies' => true,
            'session.cache_limiter' => '',
            'session.save_handler' => 'user',
  • Add the session middleware to your src/Application.php middleware queue
    ->add(new \Relay\Middleware\SessionHeadersHandler())

Static Assets

You'll possibly need to configure a webserver to handle requests, serve static assets etc. Use this sample config virtualhost for nginx:

server {
    listen 80;
    root /var/virtual/;

    location / {
        try_files $uri @backend8080;

    location @backend8080 {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;

Roadrunner also supports serving static assets natively. Check the worker/rr.yaml file that ships with this project for an example.


Roadrunner bridge and worker for CakePHP









  • PHP 99.2%
  • Nix 0.8%