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npm install darwin-translator-sdk


Translator SDK provides you with classes:

  • CoreChannel.
  • ProxyChannel.
  • Configurator.
  • ListeningChannel
  • NLP.

Each class is used to connect translator with corresponding MQTT channel.

  • CoreChannel.
    • init. You need to call init method in order to receive messages from core.
    • onNVAMessage. Accepts a function as an argument. This function will be set as message handler.
    • executeNVA. Calls core`s 'executeNVA' method. Accepts nva query as an argument. You need to pass nva query in the following format:
        nva: [{
                  noun: 'light',
                  verb: 'setcolor',
                  adverb: { value: 'red' }
          nva: 'light.setcolor@value=red'
  • ProxyChannel.
    • init. You need to call init method in order to receive messages from proxy service.
    • onMessage. Accepts a function as an argument. This function will be set as message handler.
  • Configurator.
    • getConfiguratorMethods. Provide configuration methods to expose in channels.
  • ProxyChannel.
    • init. You need to call init method in order to receive messages from the listening service.
  • NLP.
    • textToNVA. Accepts text as an argument. You need to pass text in the following format:
    { text: '#light setcolor value=red' }
    { text: 'light.setcolor@value=red' }

Usage example

const MQTT             = require('async-mqtt');
const ProxyChannel     = require('darwin-translator-sdk/lib/ProxyChannel');
const NLP              = require('darwin-translator-sdk/lib/NLP');
const CoreChannel      = require('darwin-translator-sdk/lib/CoreChannel');
const ListeningChannel = require('darwin-translator-sdk/lib/ListeningChannel');
const Configurator     = require('darwin-translator-sdk/lib/Configurator.js');

const utils = require('./utils.js');

class Translator {
    constructor({ translatorId, mqttEndpoint, translatorConfig, schema } = {}) {
        if (!mqttEndpoint) throw new Error('"mqttEndpoint" required');
        if (!translatorId) throw new Error('"translatorId" required');

        this.translatorId     = translatorId;
        this.mqttEndpoint     = mqttEndpoint;
        this.translatorConfig = translatorConfig;
        this.schema           = schema;

    async start() {
        const coreMqttClient = MQTT.connect(this.mqttEndpoint);
        const proxyMqttClient = MQTT.connect(this.mqttEndpoint);
        const listeningMqttClient = MQTT.connect(this.mqttEndpoint);

        await utils.waitForEvent(coreMqttClient, 'connect');
        await utils.waitForEvent(proxyMqttClient, 'connect');
        await utils.waitForEvent(listeningMqttClient, 'connect');

        this.configurator = new Configurator({
            schema: this.schema,
            config: this.translatorConfig,
            methods: {
                saveConfig    : utils.saveConfig,
                validateConfig: utils.validateConfig

        this.coreChannel = new CoreChannel({
            mqttClient   : coreMqttClient,
            translatorId : this.translatorId,
            configurator : this.configurator

        this.proxyChannel = new ProxyChannel({
            mqttClient   : proxyMqttClient,
            translatorId : this.translatorId

        this.listeningChannel = new ListeningChannel({
            mqttClient     : listeningMqttClient,
            translatorId   : this.translatorId,
            onNotification : this._handleListeningNotification.bind(this)

        await this.coreChannel.init();
        await this.proxyChannel.init();
        await this.listeningChannel.init();


    async _requestHandler(message) {
        // get user text input from your request
        const { data } = message

        const nva = await this.nlp.textToNVA({ text: data });
        const coreResponse = await this.coreChannel.executeNVA({ nva });

    async _handleListeningNotification(message ) {`MESSAGE FROM LISTENING SERVICE: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);


NodeJs Translators SDK for Darwin platform






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