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Delta Cloud

Since 2009 Delta Cloud has been providing tailored IT services based on the actual needs of their corporate customers. For every project the team examines thoroughly the client's business needs and designs a delivery process optimized for easy maintenance, low expenditures and future scaling.

The value proposition of the company is the young, but experienced team of network engineers, DevOps engineers, and system administrators, who design, create, and maintain the solutions for delivery. These solutions include Application and Content Acceleration, Automation, Backup and Recovery, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Networking, Cloud Storage, Collaboration, Colocation Services, Consulting Services, Content Delivery (CDN), Data Migration, Data Networks, DevOps, Disaster Recovery, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, eCommerce, Hybrid Cloud Computing, Hybrid IT, Infrastructure as a Service, Integration Services, Managed Security, Managed Services, Managed Storage, Monitoring, Networking, Network Optimization, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Private Cloud, Private Hosting, Professional Services, Workload Orchestration.

About Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 is a powerful web interface for the Icinga 2 system monitoring tool based on PHP. It’s fast, responsive, accessible and easily extensible with modules.

More about Icinga Web 2 can be found here.

🚀 Production-ready Icinga Web 2 by Delta Cloud

This is an Icinga Web 2 docker image, built by the Delta Cloud team, designed to handle small and large updates seamlessly.

Image details

  • Based on ubuntu:focal
  • Ready to use Icinga Web 2
  • Key-Features:
    • icingaweb2
    • icingacli
    • icingaweb2-graphite module
    • icingaweb2-director module
    • icingaweb2-incubator module
    • SSL support
  • No SSH. Use docker exec.


This docker container cannot operate as standalone. It needs the following containers:


We made three deployment examples. You can use them according to your needs.

Manual deployment

You can find the sample environment file example.env in our GitHub project. It can be customized to your liking.

Clone the project
git clone
cd docker-icingaweb2
Configure the environment

Open example.env with your favorite text editor and customize it to your needs.

vi example.env
Create icinga network
docker network create icinga
Run MariaDB container
docker run -d \
  --network icinga \
  --name icinga_mariadb \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --env-file ./example.env \
  -h icinga-mariadb \
  -v /data/var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
  --health-cmd "mysqladmin ping -h localhost -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" \
  --health-interval 30s \
  --health-timeout 30s \
  --health-retries 3 \
  --health-start-period 5s \
Run Icinga 2 container
docker run -d \
  --privileged \
  --network icinga \
  --name icinga_icinga2 \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --env-file ./example.env \
  -h icinga-icinga2 \
  -p 5665:5665 \
  -v /data/etc/icinga2:/etc/icinga2 \
  -v /data/var/lib/icinga2:/var/lib/icinga2 \
  -v /data/var/log/icinga2:/var/log/icinga2 \
Run Icinga Web 2 container
docker run -d \
  --network icinga \
  --name icinga_icingaweb2 \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --env-file ./example.env \
  -h icinga-icingaweb2 \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  -v /data/etc/icingaweb2:/etc/icingaweb2 \
  -v /data/var/log/icingaweb2:/var/log/icingaweb2 \
  -v /data/var/log/apache2:/var/log/apache2 \

Docker Compose deployment

You can find the sample file docker-compose.yml in our GitHub project.

Clone the project
git clone
cd docker-icingaweb2
Configure the environment

Open example.env with your favorite text editor and customize it to your needs.

vi example.env
Perform the deployment
docker-compose up -d

Ansible Playbook deployment

You can find the sample file ansible-playbook.yml in our GitHub project.

Clone the project
git clone
cd docker-icingaweb2
Configure the environment

Open example.env with your favorite text editor and customize it to your needs.

vi example.env
Perform the deployment
ansible-playbook ansible-playbook.yml

Additional information

SSL Support

SSL support can be enabled by setting the ICINGAWEB2_SSL variable to true.

You can enable the automatic issuance of a Let's Encrypt certificate based on Apache 2 mod_md. Set the ICINGAWEB2_SSL_LETSENCRYPT variable to true and populate the variables ICINGAWEB2_APACHE_SERVER_NAME and ICINGAWEB2_APACHE_SERVER_ADMIN with a valid hostname and email address.

If you'd like, you can also use your own commercial certificate. You need to add a volume to /etc/apache2/ssl that contains these files:

  • cert.pem - Certificate file
  • privkey.pem - Private key file
  • chain.pem - Certificate chain file

Director module

The Icinga Director module is installed and disabled by default. You can enable it by setting the ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR variable to true. The automatic kickstart is enabled when Director module is enabled. You can disable kickstart by setting the ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_KICKSTART variable to false.

By default the Director module uses the same MariaDB container as that of Icinga Web 2. If you want to use another database, check the variables with prefix ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_*.

Graphite module

The Graphite module can be activated by setting the ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_GRAPHITE variable to true. This container does not have graphite and carbon daemons, so you need to use an external container, such as graphiteapp/graphite-statsd, and set a value to the variable ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_GRAPHITE_HOST.

Launch the graphite container before the others. You can use the following example:

docker run -d \
  --network icinga \
  --name icinga_graphite \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --env-file ./example.env \
  -h icinga-graphite \

x509 module

The x509 (certificate module) can be installed by setting the environment variable ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509 to true. It is advisable to configure the ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509_MYSQL_PASSWORD variable as well.


Environment variables

Variables marked in bold are recommended to be adjusted according to your needs.

Variable Default Value Description
DEFAULT_MYSQL_PORT 3306 Default database port.
MYSQL_ROOT_USER root Database root user.
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Database root user password.
ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_HOST icinga-mariadb Hostname or IP address for the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_PORT DEFAULT_MYSQL_PORT Port for the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_DB icingaweb2 Database name for the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_USER icingaweb2 Username for the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_PASSWORD 2bewagnici Password for the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MYSQL_HOST icinga-mariadb Hostname or IP address of the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MYSQL_PORT DEFAULT_MYSQL_PORT Port of the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MYSQL_DB icinga2 Database name of the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MYSQL_USER icinga2 Username of the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MYSQL_PASSWORD 2agnici Password of the Icinga 2 database.
ICINGA2_MASTER_CN ICINGA2_CN The value is set from icinga-icinga2 container.
ICINGA2_API_HOST icinga-icinga2 Hostname or IP address of the Icinga 2 API.
ICINGA2_API_PORT 5665 Port of the Icinga 2 API.
ICINGA2_API_USER icingaweb2 Username of the Icinga 2 API.
ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD 2bewagnici Password of the Icinga 2 API.
ICINGAWEB2_ADMIN_USER icingaadmin Icinga Web 2 login user.
ICINGAWEB2_ADMIN_PASSWORD icinga Icinga Web 2 login password.
ICINGAWEB2_SSL false Enable or disable SSL/HTTPS support.
ICINGAWEB2_SSL_LETSENCRYPT false Enable or disable automated Let's Encrypt certificate.
ICINGAWEB2_APACHE_SERVER_NAME Valid hostname for Apache 2.
ICINGAWEB2_APACHE_SERVER_ADMIN Valid e-mail for Apache 2.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR false Enable or disable Director module.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_KICKSTART true Enable or disable Director kickstart.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_HOST icinga-mariadb Hostname or IP address for the Director database.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_DB icingaweb2_director Database name for the Director database.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_USER icingaweb2_director Username for the Director database.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_PASSWORD rotcerid_2bewagnici Password for the Director database.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_GRAPHITE false Enable or disable Graphite module.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_GRAPHITE_HOST icinga-graphite Hostname or IP address of the Carbon/Graphite.
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509 false Enable/disable the x509 module
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509_MYSQL_DB x509 MySQL database name for x509 module
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509_MYSQL_USER x509 MySQL database user name for x509 module
ICINGAWEB2_MODULE_X509_MYSQL_PASSWORD s3cr3tpass MySQL database password for x509 module


The following folders are configured and can be mounted as volumes.

Volume Description
/etc/icingaweb2 Icinga Web 2 configuration folder.
/etc/apache2/ssl SSL-Certificates folder (see SSL Support).
/var/log/icingaweb2 Icinga Web 2 log folder.
/var/log/apache2 Apache 2 log folder.



Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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