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Basic Modeling Interface (BMI) wrapper to the pyDeltaRCM model.


Find the full documentation here.



If you intend to manipulate the underlying pyDeltaRCM code in any way, be sure to follow the Developer Installation instructions from that project before installing the BMI wrapper.

To install this package into an existing Python 3.x environment, download or clone the repository and run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install

Or for a developer installation run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Executing the model

The below code provides the simplest method for initializing and running the pyDeltaRCM model using the BMI interface.

from BMI_pyDeltaRCM.bmidelta import BmiDelta
delta = BmiDelta()  # instantiate model
delta.initialize()  # initialize model
delta.update()  # update model

See the BMI_pyDeltaRCM User Guide.