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Election checklist

Virginia Dooley edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 4 revisions

During a major election cycle:

Slack Notifications

  • Disable the Notice of Election scraper to reduce traffic in #elections.
  • After the election, re-enable and run once with no SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL set to avoid flooding with ~3 months worth of backlog traffic, then set SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL (TODO: devise a better process for this)

Boundary Export

  • Disable scheduled run of (may cause out-of-memory errors during major elections)
  • After the election, re-enable and re-build for the missed period on an instance with plenty of memory

Disable election radar

EveryElection scrapes council websites for new notices of election. When we know about scheduled elections the scraper is a) pointless and b) will spam slack with notifications.

To disable, comment out these lines

Commit, PR, merge, deploy.

Set a reminder to re-enable it. This can be any time from just before the elections to just after, but ideally not a long time after.