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@DenTelezhkin DenTelezhkin released this 20 Aug 09:04
· 105 commits to main since this release

This is a major release with some breaking changes, please read DTModelStorage 8.0 Migration Guide


  • bundle property on ViewModelMapping, that exposes recommended bundle to be used when searching for resources of given mapping.
  • Setter for SingleSectionStorage.items property.
  • Section.item(at:) method.
  • ProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage that serves as a bridge between DTTableViewManager/DTCollectionViewManager and diffable datasource classes(UITableViewDiffableDataSource`UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource`).


  • configureForTableViewUsage, configureForCollectionViewUsage, headerModel(forSection:), footerModel(forSection:), have been moved to protocol extensions instead of being implemented in BaseStorage class. As a consequence, BaseStorage no longer confirms to HeaderFooterStorage protocol.


Identifiable protocol has been renamed to EntityIdentifiable protocol to avoid unwanted clashes with Foundation.Identifiable protocol, that is available on iOS 13 and higher.

Complete rewrite of header/footer/supplementary model handling. Instead of several implementations and model storages, the API now consists of three closure based properties on SupplementaryStorage protocol : headerModelProvider, footerModelProvider and supplementaryModelProvider. All storage classes implement this protocol (MemoryStorage, CoreDataStorage, RealmStorage, SingleSectionStorage, ProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage).

Storage protocols and classes have been restructured:

  • SupplementaryAccessible renamed to SectionLocatable
  • HeaderFooterStorage and HeaderFooterSettable have been removed
  • HeaderFooterStorage functionality mostly has been merged into new protocol SupplementaryStorage
  • BaseStorage has been split into BaseSupplementaryStorage and BaseUpdateDeliveringStorage that inherits from it.

Several methods continue to work, but are now bridging to new closure-based API:

  • setSectionHeaderModels
  • setSectionFooterModels
  • headerModel(forSection:)
  • footerModel(forSection:)
  • supplementaryModel(ofKind:forSectionAt:)

setSectionHeaderModels and setSectionFooterModels, as well as new closure-based API do not call reloadData method, as they were doing before. If you need to reset section headers/footers/supplementaries, consider calling StorageUpdating.storageNeedsReloading() method manually.

All methods that allowed to set header/footer/supplementary models partially, for a specific section or specific supplementary kind, have been made unavailable or removed.

CoreDataStorage now sets headerModelProvider closure to allow using FetchedResultsController section name as header instead of having arbitrary logic that compared supplementaryKind to displaySectionNameForSupplementaryKinds property, which is also made unavailable.


  • Deprecated MemoryStorageError.BatchInsertionReason enum.
  • Deprecated ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol.
  • sections method on Storage protocol. It is replaced by more perfomant numberOfSections() and numberOfItems(inSection:) methods.
  • sections method on CoreDataStorage and SingleSectionStorage
  • items property on Section protocol. It is replaced by item(at:) method.