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  • Software Configuration Management(SCM) = Version Control(VS/VCS)
  • Software principle
  • When several programmers write code, the codes of which are then combined into 1 project. VC allows this to be more balanced and controls the whole process
  • Keeps history of the made changes
  • Conflict - When 2 people work on the same code and correct the same line
  • Repository
    • The code repository used in a project
    • Project code
  • Open source code - Everyone can see the code
  • GitHub - If you are not added as a collaborator, you cannot make pull requests
Git GitHub Git Bash
Version control; Methodology Portal Client we use to upload code to GitHub

There are 2 types of Source-Control Systems

Distributed Source-Control System Centralized Source-Control System
2 types of repository
Remote - The main project from which the files are downloaded Only 1 repository (Remote repository)
Local - Everyone involved in this project has 2 repositories No Local repository
In case of conflict, the individual programmer can download the changes in his repository that the other has made and make the appropriate changes Almost always we get conflicts and they are very hard to fix

Simple Git commands

Before following the below commands you would need to set Git with your GitHub profile and a SSH key.
For GitHub:

For SSH key:

  1. Create a folder on your Desktop named test

    • Open Git Bash on your Desktop and create a folder test with the mkdir test command.
  2. Move to the test folder - cd test

  3. In the Git console write the command

    git init

    This command initializes a new, empty repository. Git creates a new .git directory in your project. Using the ls -a command we can see the mentioned directory. step_3

  4. Create file-1.txt in the test folder - touch file-1.txt

  5. Check the status of your Working directory

    git status

    From the result, it can be seen that you don't have any commits and have 1 untracked file.

  6. Move the file to the Staging area

    git add file-1.txt


  7. Commit the changes to you Local repository

    git commit -m"[MESSAGE]"
    git commit -m"Created file-1.txt"

    When you see the above message, that means you are ready to the push the changes and add them to the Remote repository.

  8. Add some text to file-1.txt - echo "Sofia" >> file-1.txt step_8
    From the above message you can either prepare your changes for commit or discard the changes you have made.

    Restore the previous state of the file Keep the changes you made and prepare them for commit
    git restore file-1.txt git add file-1.txt

    With this command you can add 1 file at a time, but what if you have multiple...

  9. Add 2 more files to the test folder step_9

  10. Add ALL files at once to the Staging area

    git add .


  11. Commit the changes

    git commit -m"Added 2 new files and changed file-1.txt"


  12. Remove file-3.txt

    rm -i file-3.txt


  13. Prepare everything for commit

    git add .


  14. Commit

    git commit -m"Deleted file-3.txt"


  15. Check the history of your commits

    git log


  16. Use the below command to rename the current branch to main

    git branch -M main


  17. Create a repository on GitHub and connect it to your Local repository
    After you have created a repository on GitHub copy the below: step_17

    git remote add origin [URL]
    git remote add origin
  18. Push your changes:

    git push -u origin main

    We can see the files in GitHub now. step_18(1)

  19. Add in your Remote repository step_19
    We don't have this file in our Local repository, so let's get it.

    git fetch git pull git clone
    Retrieves changes from a Remote repository without merging them into your Local repository Fetches changes from a Remote repository and automatically merges them into your current branch Creates a copy of a Remote repository on your Local machine
    When you want to merge the changes use git merge git fetch + git merge git clone [URL]


Command Description
git branch Show all branches
git branch [BRANCH_NAME] Create branch
git branch -m [BRANCH_NAME] Rename the current branch
git branch -m [OLD_BRANCH_NAME] [NEW_BRANCH_NAME] Rename branch you are not on
git branch -d [BRANCH_NAME] Delete branch
git switch [BRANCH_NAME] Switch branch
git checkout [BRANCH_NAME] Old way to switch branch
git checkout -b [BRANCH_NAME] Create new branch and switch to it

Additional information

Git and Github Essentials
Git and GitHub Tutorial For Beginners | Full Course [2021] [NEW]
Git Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Git in 1 Hour
Fundamentals with C#, Java, JS & Python Jan 21 - Git and GitHub - Kiril Kirilov
GitHub: The Right Way - Владимир Тасев
How to setup and use Git and GitHub with IntelliJ IDEA [2024] | Git | GitHub | IntelliJ
Git Explained in 100 Seconds
Git Branches Tutorial
Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners #8 - Branches
git with Intellij Idea


Simple documentation on how to use Git








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