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improve flag command documentation
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clean usage, standard tag name
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mcmonkey4eva committed Nov 1, 2014
1 parent b9eb3af commit 97538c3
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 9 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -1149,43 +1149,48 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {

// <--[command]
// @Name Flag
// @Syntax flag ({player}/npc/global) [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>)
// @Syntax flag ({player}/npc/global/<entity>) [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>)
// @Required 1
// @Stable stable
// @Short Sets or modifies a flag on the player, NPC, or server.
// @Author aufdemrand
// @Group core
// @Description
// The flag command sets or modifies custom value storage database entries connected to
// each player, each NPC, and the server.
// TODO: Document Command Details
// @Tags
// <p@player.flag[<flag>]>
// <n@npc.flag[<flag>]>
// <global.flag[<flag>]>
// <server.flag[<flag>]>
// @Usage
// @Usage
// Use to create a flag named 'playstyle' on the player with 'agressive' as the value.
// Use to create or set a flag on a player.
// - flag player playstyle:agressive
// @Usage
// Use to create a flag on the npc with its current location as the value.
// Use to flag an npc with a given tag value.
// - flag npc location:<npc.location>
// @Usage
// Use to increase the context player flag 'damage_dealt' with the context damage as amount.
// Use to apply mathematical changes to a flag's value on a unique object.
// - flag <context.damager> damage_dealt:+:<context.damage>
// @Usage
// Use to add p@TheBlackCoyote to the server flag called 'cool_people' as a new value without removing existing values.
// Use to add an item to a server flag as a new value without removing existing values.
// - flag server cool_people:->:p@TheBlackCoyote
// @Usage
// Use to add both p@mcmonkey4eva and p@morphan1 as individual new values to the server flag 'cool_people'.
// Use to add both multiple items as individual new values to a server flag.
// - flag server cool_people:|:p@mcmonkey4eva|p@morphan1
// @Usage
// Use to remove p@morphan1 from the server flag 'cool_people'.
// Use to remove an entry from a server flag.
// - flag server cool_people:<-:p@morphan1
// @Usage
// Use to completely remove a flag.
// - flag server cool_people:!
// @Usage
// Use to modify a specific index in a list flag.
// - flag server myflag[3]:HelloWorld
// -->
"FLAG", "flag ({player}/npc/global) [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>)", 1);
"FLAG", "flag ({player}/npc/global/<entity>) [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>)", 1);

// <--[command]
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