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AnimateChest Command
	- add description
	- add usages
Break Command
	- add description
	- add tags
	- add usages
Cast Command
	- update description
ChunkLoad Command
	- add description
	- add tags
CreateWorld Command
	- add description
	- add usages
DisplayItem Command
	- add description
	- add usages
Equip Command
	- add description
	- add usages
Event Command
	- update usages (Un-needed TODO)
Experience Command
	- add usages
Explode Command
	- add description
	- add usages
  • Loading branch information
Fortifier42 committed Jun 29, 2015
1 parent 87fb3d5 commit 997cff2
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 18 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -208,11 +208,32 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author Jeebiss, mcmonkey
// @Group world
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command animates a chest in the world to open or close at a specified location.
// The command by default will open the chest. It accepts a sound argument which specifies whether
// the open or close sound will play aswell as the animation. The sound plays by default and
// can be disabled with 'sound:false' It also accepts a player or list of players to animate the chest to,
// allowing only selected players to see the chest animate as opened or closed.
// @Tags
// TODO: Document Command Details
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to animate a chest to open at 15,89,-45 in world: world
// - animatechest 15,89,-45,world

// @Usage
// To then close the chest at 15,89,-45 in world: world
// - animatechest 15,89,-45,world close

// @Usage
// Use to animate a chest to open with no sound at 12,12,-64 in world: peter
// - animatechest 12,12,-64,peter sound:false

// @Usage
// If only a player by the name of Morphan1 should see the chest open
// - animatechest 12,12,-64,peter sound:false p@Morphan1

// @Usage
// The command also accepts a list of players to view the animation
// - animatechest 12,12,-64,peter sound:false p@Morphan1|p@mcmonkey4eva|p@Fortifier42
// -->
"ANIMATECHEST", "animatechest [<location>] ({open}/close) (sound:{true}/false) (<player>|...)", 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,11 +354,28 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author aufdemrand
// @Group world
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// By itself, the 'break' command will act as a NPC command in the sense that an attached
// NPC will navigate to and break the block at the attached location. It can also accept a specified npc,
// to fulfill the command, just specify a 'fetchable' npc object. It can also accept a radius to start
// breaking the block from within. To specify the npc, prefix the npc with 'entity:'. To specify the
// radius, prefix the radius with 'radius:'.

// @Tags
// TODO: Document Command Details
// <n@npc.navigator.is_navigating>
// <n@npc.navigator.target_location>

// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to make a npc break a block in an interact script.
// - break <location>

// @Usage
// Use to make a npc with the id 12 break a block at 17,64,-87
// - break 17,64,-87 entity:n@12

// @Usage
// Use to make a npc with the name bob break a block at 17,64,-87 and start digging from 5 blocks away
// - break 17,64,-87 entity:n@bob radius:5

// -->
if (Depends.citizens != null)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,6 +427,8 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Description
// Casts or removes a potion effect to or from a list of entities. If you don't specify a duration,
// it defaults to 60 seconds. If you don't specify a power level, it defaults to 1.
// To cast an effect with a duration which displays as '**:**' or 'infinite' use a duration
// of 1639s (1639 seconds) or greater. While it may display as infinite, it will still wear off.

// @Tags
// <e@entity.has_effect[<effect>]>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,9 +510,13 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author spaceemotion, mcmonkey
// @Group world
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command forces a chunk to load and keeps the chunk loaded until it is removed,
// the server shuts down or the duration expires. All normal events such as redstone,
// NPC actions, mob spawning and weather effects will continue to take place while
// the chunk is loaded.
// @Tags
// TODO: Document Command Details
// <w@world.loaded_chunks>
// <ch@chunk.is_loaded>
// @Usage
// Use to load a chunk.
// - chunkload ch@0,0,world
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,11 +648,21 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author aufdemrand, mcmonkey
// @Group world
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command creates a new minecraft world with the specified name.
// If a worldtype is not specified it will create a world with a worldtype of NORMAL.
// TODO: Document Command Details (generator)
// It accepts a world type which can be specified with 'worldtype:'.
// Recognised world type are NORMAL (creates a normal world), FLAT (creates a world with flat terrain),
// LARGE_BIOMES (creates a normal world with 16x larger biomes) and AMPLIFIED (creates a world with tall
// mountain-like terrain)
// @Tags
// <server.list_worlds>
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to create a normal world with name survival
// - createworld survival
// @Usage
// Use to create a flat world with the name superflat
// - createworld superflat worldtype:FLAT
// -->
"CREATEWORLD", "createworld [<name>] (g:<generator>) (worldtype:<type>)", 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -693,12 +747,24 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author aufdemrand, mcmonkey
// @Group item
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command drops an item at the specified location which cannot be picked up by players.
// It accepts a duration which determines how long the item will stay for until disappearing.
// If no duration is specified the item will stay for 1 minute, after which the item will disappear.
// @Tags
// TODO: Document Command Details
// <entry[saveName].dropped> returns a dEntity of the spawned item.
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to display a stone block dropped at a players location
// - displayitem stone <player.location>
// @Usage
// Use to display a diamond sword dropped at 12,64,-847 in world survival
// - displayitem diamond_sword 12,64,-847,survival
// @Usage
// Use to display redstone dust dropped at -54,100,-87 in world creative disappear after 10 seconds
// - displayitem redstone -54,100,-87,creative duration:10s
// @Usage
// Use to save the dropped item to save entry 'item_dropped'
// - displayitem redstone -54,100,-87,creative duration:10s save:item_dropped
// -->
"DISPLAYITEM", "displayitem [<item>] [<location>] (duration:<value>)", 2);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -802,11 +868,19 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author David Cernat
// @Group entity
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command equips an item or armor to an entity or list of entities to the specified slot.
// It allows or blocks to be equipped in an entity's armor/hand slots, this inclueds horses.
// @Tags
// <>
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to equip a stone block on a player's head
// - equip <player> head:stone
// @Usage
// Use to equip a diamond sword into the hand of an npc named bob
// - equip <n@bob> hand:diamond_sword
// @Usage
// Use to equip an iron helmet on the head of all players on the server
// - equip <server.list_online_players> head:iron_helmet
// -->
"EQUIP", "equip (<entity>|...) (hand:<item>) (head:<item>) (chest:<item>) (legs:<item>) (boots:<item>)", 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -839,8 +913,6 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Usage
// Use to trigger multiple custom events with context
// - event "player triggers custom event|player causes event" context:event|custom|npc|<player.selected_npc>
// @Usage
// TODO: Document command details
// -->
"EVENT", "event [<event name>|...] (context:<name>|<object>|...)", 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -881,7 +953,17 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// <>
// <p@player.xp.level>
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to set a player's experience to 0
// - experience 0
// @Usage
// Use give give a player 1 level
// - experience give level 1
// @Usage
// Use to give a player with the name Morphan1 10 experience points.
// - experience give 10 player<p@Morphan1>
// @Usage
// Use to take 1 level from a specific player
// - experience take level 1 player:<player>
// -->
"EXPERIENCE", "experience [{set}/give/take] (level) [<#>]", 2);
Expand All @@ -896,14 +978,30 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {
// @Author Alain Blanquet
// @Group world
// @Description
// TODO: Document Command Details
// This command causes an explosion at the location specified (or the npc / player location) which does not
// destroy blocks or set fire to blocks within the explosion. It accepts a 'fire' option which will set blocks
// on fire within the explosion radius. It also accepts a 'breakblocks' option which will cause the explosion to
// break blocks within the power radius as well as creating an animation and sounds.
// Default power: 1
// Default location: npc.location, or if no NPC link, player.location.
// It is highly recommended you specify a location to be safe.
// @Tags
// TODO: Document Command Details
// @Usage
// TODO: Document Command Details
// Use to create an explosion at a player's location
// - explode <player.location>

// @Usage
// Use to create an explosion with a power radius of 3 at a NPC's location
// - explode power:3 <npc.location>

// @Usage
// Use to create an explosion with a power radius of 3 at a 12,12,-1297 in a world called survival which breaks blocks
// - explode power:3 12,12,-1297,survival breakblocks

// @Usage
// Use to create an explosion at a player, which breaks blocks and causes fire with a power of 5
// - explode power:5 <player.location> fire breakblocks
// -->
"EXPLODE", "explode (power:<#.#>) (<location>) (fire) (breakblocks)", 0);
Expand Down

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