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Update Pose command to 0.9, add some new options
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You can now add and remove NPC poses.
This also stopped a few NPEs, such as the player being the target and it
never checking if an NPC exists... When an NPC HAS to exist.
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Morphan1 committed Dec 11, 2013
1 parent a90ff79 commit 9bd312a
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Expand Up @@ -1770,20 +1770,36 @@ public void registerCoreMembers() {

// <--[command]
// @Name Pose
// @Syntax pose (player/npc) [id:<name>]
// @Syntax pose (add/remove/{assume}) [id:<name>] (player/{npc}) (<location>)
// @Required 1
// @Stable unstable
// @Short Rotates the player or NPC to match a pose.
// @Stable stable
// @Short Rotates the player or NPC to match a pose, or adds/removes an NPC's poses.
// @Author aufdemrand
// @Description
// Todo
// Makes a player or NPC assume the position of a pose saved on an NPC, removes a
// pose with a specified ID from the current linked NPC, or adds a pose to the NPC
// with an ID and a location, although the only thing that matters in the location
// is the pitch and yaw.
// @Tags
// Todo
// <n@npc.has_pose[<name>]>
// <n@npc.get_pose[<name>]>
// @Usage
// Todo
// Make an NPC assume a pose.
// - pose id:MyPose1
// @Usage
// Add a pose to an NPC. (Note that only the last 2 numbers matter)
// - pose add id:MyPose2 l@0,0,0,-2.3,5.4,world
// @Usage
// Remove a pose from an NPC.
// - pose remove id:MyPose1
// -->
"POSE", "pose (player/npc) [id:<name>]", 1);
"POSE", "pose (add/remove/{assume}) [id:<name>] (player/{npc}) (<location>)", 1);

// <--[command]
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

import net.aufdemrand.denizen.exceptions.CommandExecutionException;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.ScriptEntry;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.AbstractCommand;
Expand All @@ -29,71 +30,105 @@ private enum Action { ADD, REMOVE, ASSUME}
public void parseArgs(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws InvalidArgumentsException {

Action action = Action.ASSUME;
TargetType targetType = TargetType.NPC;
String id = null;

// Parse Arguments
for (String arg : scriptEntry.getArguments()) {
if (aH.matchesArg("ADD, ASSUME, REMOVE", arg)) {
action = Action.valueOf(aH.getStringFrom(arg).toUpperCase());
for (aH.Argument arg : aH.interpret(scriptEntry.getArguments())) {

if (arg.matches("add, assume, remove")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("action", Action.valueOf(arg.getValue().toUpperCase()));

} else if (aH.matchesValueArg("ID", arg, aH.ArgumentType.String)) {
id = aH.getStringFrom(arg);
else if (arg.matchesPrefix("id")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("pose_id", arg.getValue());

} else if (aH.matchesArg("PLAYER", arg)) {
targetType = TargetType.PLAYER;
dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "Setting pose on PLAYER!");
else if (arg.matches("player")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("target", TargetType.PLAYER);

} else
dB.echoError("Unknown argument '" + arg + "'");
else if (arg.matchesArgumentType(dLocation.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("pose_loc", arg.asType(dLocation.class));


// If TARGET is NPC/PLAYER and no NPC/PLAYER available, throw exception.
if (targetType == TargetType.PLAYER && scriptEntry.getPlayer() == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("This command requires a linked player!");
else if (targetType == TargetType.NPC && scriptEntry.getNPC() == null)
// Even if the target is a player, this command requires an NPC to get the pose from.
if (!scriptEntry.hasNPC())
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("This command requires a linked NPC!");
scriptEntry.addObject("target", targetType)
.addObject("action", action).addObject("id", id);

// It also requires a pose ID
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("id"))
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("No ID specified!");

// Set default objects
scriptEntry.defaultObject("target", TargetType.NPC);
scriptEntry.defaultObject("action", Action.ASSUME);

// If the target is a player, it needs a player! However, you can't ADD/REMOVE poses
// from players, so only allow ASSUME.
if (scriptEntry.getObject("target") == TargetType.PLAYER) {
if (scriptEntry.getObject("action") != Action.ASSUME)
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("You cannot add or remove poses from a player.");
else if (!scriptEntry.hasPlayer())
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("This command requires a linked player!");


public void execute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws CommandExecutionException {
// Get objects

// Get objects
TargetType target = (TargetType) scriptEntry.getObject("target");
dNPC npc = scriptEntry.getNPC();
Action action = (Action) scriptEntry.getObject("action");
String id = (String) scriptEntry.getObject("id");
String id = (String) scriptEntry.getObject("pose_id");
dLocation pose_loc = (dLocation) scriptEntry.getObject("pose_loc");

// Report to dB, getName(),
aH.debugObj(target.toString(), npc.toString())
aH.debugObj("Target", target.toString())
+ (target == TargetType.PLAYER ? scriptEntry.getPlayer().debug() : "")
+ npc.debug()
+ aH.debugObj("Action", action.toString())
+ aH.debugObj("Id", id));
+ aH.debugObj("Id", id)
+ (pose_loc != null ? pose_loc.debug() : ""));

if (!npc.getCitizen().hasTrait(Poses.class))

Poses poses = npc.getCitizen().getTrait(Poses.class);

switch (action) {

case ASSUME:
if (!poses.hasPose(id))
throw new CommandExecutionException("Pose \"" + id + "\" doesn't exist for " + npc.toString());

if ("NPC"))
else {
Player player = scriptEntry.getPlayer().getPlayerEntity();
Location location = player.getLocation();

// The only way to change a player's yaw and pitch in Bukkit
// is to use teleport on him/her

case ADD:
if (!poses.addPose(id, pose_loc))
throw new CommandExecutionException(npc.toString() + " already has that pose!");

case REMOVE:
if (!poses.removePose(id))
throw new CommandExecutionException(npc.toString() + " does not have that pose!");



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