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Cast command: update, support infinite durations (#2455)
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* Update to modern handling and support `infinite`

* Improve examples

* Better wording

* Minor meta changes

* Minor examples correction

* Correct example
  • Loading branch information
tal5 committed Apr 4, 2023
1 parent 0559148 commit d5ec87d
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 97 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
package com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.commands.entity;

import com.denizenscript.denizen.utilities.Utilities;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.utilities.debugging.Debug;
import com.denizenscript.denizen.nms.NMSHandler;
import com.denizenscript.denizen.nms.NMSVersion;
import com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException;
import com.denizenscript.denizen.utilities.Utilities;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsRuntimeException;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.*;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.ScriptEntry;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.commands.generator.*;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.utilities.Deprecations;
import com.denizenscript.denizencore.utilities.debugging.Debug;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;

Expand All @@ -22,7 +25,10 @@ public CastCommand() {
setSyntax("cast [<effect>] (remove) (duration:<value>) (amplifier:<#>) (<entity>|...) (no_ambient) (hide_particles) (no_icon) (no_clear)");
setRequiredArguments(1, 9);
addRemappedPrefixes("duration", "d");
addRemappedPrefixes("amplifier", "power", "p", "a");
isProcedural = false;

// <--[command]
Expand All @@ -40,18 +46,17 @@ public CastCommand() {
// The effect type must be from <@link url>.
// If you don't specify a duration, it defaults to 60 seconds.
// To cast an effect with a duration which displays as '**:**' or 'infinite' use a duration of '1639s' (1639 seconds) or greater.
// While it may display as infinite, it will still wear off.
// An infinite duration will apply an infinite duration potion effect, refer to <@link objecttype DurationTag> for more details.
// The amplifier is how many levels to *add* over the normal level 1.
// If you don't specify an amplifier level, it defaults to 1, meaning an effect of level 2 (this is for historical compatibility reasons).
// Specify "amplifier:0" to have no amplifier applied (ie effect level 1).
// If no player is specified, the command will target the player.
// If no player is present, the command will target the NPC. If an NPC is not present, there will be an error!
// If no entity is specified, the command will target the linked player.
// If there isn't one, the command will target the linked NPC. If there isn't one either, the command will error.
// Optionally, specify "no_ambient" to hide some translucent additional particles, while still rendering the main particles.
// "Ambient" effects in vanilla came from a beacon, while non-ambient came from a potion.
// "Ambient" effects in vanilla come from a beacon, while non-ambient come from a potion.
// Optionally, specify "hide_particles" to remove the particle effects entirely.
Expand All @@ -62,20 +67,19 @@ public CastCommand() {
// @Tags
// <EntityTag.has_effect[<effect>]>
// <server.potion_effect_types>
// <EntityTag.list_effects>
// <EntityTag.effects_data>
// @Usage
// Use to cast a level 1 effect onto the player.
// - cast speed amplifier:0
// Use to cast a level 1 effect onto the linked player or NPC for 50 seconds.
// - cast speed duration:50s amplifier:0
// @Usage
// Use to cast an effect onto the player for 120 seconds with an amplifier of 3 (effect level 4).
// - cast jump d:120 amplifier:3
// Use to cast an effect onto the linked player or NPC for an infinite duration with an amplifier of 3 (effect level 4).
// - cast jump duration:infinite amplifier:3
// @Usage
// Use to remove an effect from the player.
// - if <player.has_effect[jump]>:
// - cast jump remove <player>
// Use to remove an effect from a specific entity.
// - cast jump remove <[entity]>
// -->

Expand All @@ -85,95 +89,54 @@ public void addCustomTabCompletions(TabCompletionsBuilder tab) {

public void parseArgs(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws InvalidArgumentsException {
for (Argument arg : scriptEntry) {
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("remove")
&& arg.matches("remove", "cancel")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("remove", new ElementTag(true));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("ambient")
&& arg.matches("no_ambient")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("ambient", new ElementTag(false));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("no_clear")
&& arg.matches("no_clear")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("no_clear", new ElementTag(true));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("show_particles")
&& arg.matches("hide_particles")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("show_particles", new ElementTag(false));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("show_icon")
&& arg.matches("no_icon")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("show_icon", new ElementTag(false));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("duration")
&& arg.matchesPrefix("duration", "d")
&& arg.matchesArgumentType(DurationTag.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("duration", arg.asType(DurationTag.class));
public static void autoExecute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry,
@ArgName("effect") @ArgLinear ObjectTag effectObject,
@ArgName("remove") boolean remove,
@ArgName("cancel") boolean cancel, // "remove" variant
@ArgName("duration") @ArgPrefixed @ArgDefaultText("60s") DurationTag duration,
@ArgName("amplifier") @ArgPrefixed @ArgDefaultText("1") ElementTag amplifier,
@ArgName("entities") @ArgLinear @ArgDefaultNull ObjectTag entitiesObject,
@ArgName("no_ambient") boolean noAmbient,
@ArgName("hide_particles") boolean hideParticles,
@ArgName("no_icon") boolean noIcon,
@ArgName("no_clear") boolean noClear) {
PotionEffectType effectType = PotionEffectType.getByName(effectObject.toString());
if (effectType == null) {
if (entitiesObject != null && (effectType = PotionEffectType.getByName(entitiesObject.toString())) != null) {
ObjectTag swapEntities = entitiesObject;
entitiesObject = effectObject;
effectObject = swapEntities;
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("amplifier")
&& arg.matchesPrefix("power", "p", "amplifier", "a")
&& arg.matchesFloat()) {
scriptEntry.addObject("amplifier", arg.asElement());
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("effect")
&& PotionEffectType.getByName(arg.asElement().asString()) != null) {
scriptEntry.addObject("effect", PotionEffectType.getByName(arg.asElement().asString()));
else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities")
&& arg.matchesArgumentList(EntityTag.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("entities", arg.asType(ListTag.class).filter(EntityTag.class, scriptEntry));
else {
if (effectType == null) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsRuntimeException("Invalid potion effect '" + effectObject + "' specified.");
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities")) {
scriptEntry.defaultObject("entities", Utilities.entryDefaultEntityList(scriptEntry, true));
if (!amplifier.isInt()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsRuntimeException("Invalid amplifier '" + amplifier + "' specified: must be a valid number.");
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("effect")) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify a valid PotionType!");
scriptEntry.defaultObject("duration", new DurationTag(60));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("amplifier", new ElementTag(1));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("remove", new ElementTag(false));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("show_particles", new ElementTag(true));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("ambient", new ElementTag(true));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("show_icon", new ElementTag(true));

public void execute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
List<EntityTag> entities = (List<EntityTag>) scriptEntry.getObject("entities");
List<EntityTag> entities = entitiesObject == null ? null : entitiesObject.asType(ListTag.class, scriptEntry.context).filter(EntityTag.class, scriptEntry.context);
if (entities == null) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsRuntimeException("Missing entity target input");
entities = Utilities.entryDefaultEntityList(scriptEntry, true);
if (entities == null) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsRuntimeException("Must specify entities to apply the effect to.");
PotionEffectType effect = (PotionEffectType) scriptEntry.getObject("effect");
int amplifier = scriptEntry.getElement("amplifier").asInt();
DurationTag duration = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("duration");
boolean remove = scriptEntry.getElement("remove").asBoolean();
ElementTag showParticles = scriptEntry.getElement("show_particles");
ElementTag ambient = scriptEntry.getElement("ambient");
ElementTag showIcon = scriptEntry.getElement("show_icon");
ElementTag noClear = scriptEntry.getElement("no_clear");
if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), db("targets", entities), db("effect", effect.getName()), db("amplifier", amplifier), duration, ambient, showParticles, showIcon, noClear);
remove = remove || cancel;
PotionEffect potion = null;
if (!remove) {
// 32,780+ ticks shows up as infinite before 1.19
int ticks = duration.getSeconds() != 0d ? duration.getTicksAsInt() : NMSHandler.getVersion().isAtLeast(NMSVersion.v1_19) ? PotionEffect.INFINITE_DURATION : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
potion = new PotionEffect(effectType, ticks, amplifier.asInt(), !noAmbient, !hideParticles, !noIcon);
boolean amb = ambient.asBoolean();
boolean showP = showParticles.asBoolean();
boolean icon = showIcon.asBoolean();
for (EntityTag entity : entities) {
if ((remove || noClear == null || !noClear.asBoolean()) && entity.getLivingEntity().hasPotionEffect(effect)) {
if (remove) {
if ((remove || !noClear) && entity.getLivingEntity().hasPotionEffect(effectType)) {
PotionEffect potion = new PotionEffect(effect, duration.getTicksAsInt(), amplifier, amb, showP, icon);
if (!potion.apply(entity.getLivingEntity())) {
Debug.echoError(scriptEntry, "Bukkit was unable to apply '" + potion.getType().getName() + "' to '" + entity + "'.");
if (!remove) {
if (!entity.getLivingEntity().addPotionEffect(potion)) {
Debug.echoError("Bukkit was unable to apply '" + effectType.getName() + "' to '" + entity + "'.");
Expand Down

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