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Code for our paper "Estimating individual treatment effects under unobserved confounding using binary instruments"

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This repository contains the code to our paper "Estimating individual treatment effects under unobserved confounding unsing binary instruments".


The project is build with python 3.9.7 and uses the packages listed in the file requirements.txt. In particular the following packages need to be installed to reproduce our results:

  1. [Pytorch 1.10.0, Pytorch lightning 1.5.1] - deep learning models
  2. [Optuna 2.10.0] - hyperparameter tuning
  3. Other: Pandas 1.3.4, numpy 1.21.5, scikit-learn 1.0.1

The calculation of the propensity score of the OHIE data (see Appendix D) is performed in the R script data/propensity_score.R. To run the script, the R package BiasedUrn needs to be installed.


In our paper we used three datasets: Synthetic, real-world data from the Oregon health insurance experiment (OHIE), and semi-synthetic data.

Synthetic data

The script for synthetic data generation is data/ Here, the data is simulated using Gaussian Processes according to Appendix C in the paper.

Real-world data

We use the data from the Oregon Health insurance experiment from Finkelstein et al (2012). The data is publicly available and can be downloaded together with a detailed documentation on the website To run the experiments, the .dta files need to be copied into the folder data/oregon_health_exp/OHIE_Data.

Semi-synthetic data

The semi-synthetic data (Appendix H) is generated via the data/ Note that the OHIE data needs to be downloaded before running the script.


The experiment results are stored in the /results folder. Here, all plots and tables from the paper can be reproduced. Re-running the experiments updates the files in the /results folder.

Reproducing the experiments

The scripts running the experiments are contained in the /experiments folder. There are three directories, one for each dataset (synthetic = /sim, real-world = /real, and semi-synthetic = /sim_semi). Most experiments can be configured by a .yaml configuration file. Here, parameters for data generation (e.g., sample size, confounding level, smoothness) as well as the methods used may be adjusted. The following base methods are available (for details see Appendix E):

  • tarnet: TARNet,
  • tsls: Two-stage least squares,
  • kiv: Kernel IV,
  • dfiv: DFIV,
  • deepiv: DeepIV,
  • deepgmm: DeepGMM,
  • dmliv: DMLIV,
  • waldlinear: Linear Wald estimator,
  • bcfiv: Wald estimator with BART,
  • ncnet: MRIV (network only).

In addition, meta-learners can be specified for each base method using the meta_learners tag. The following meta-learners are available:

  • driv: DRIV,
  • mriv: MRIV,
  • dr: DR-learner (only for tarnet),
  • mrivsingle: MRIV using a single representation (only for ncnet).

Reproducing hyperparameter tuning

The code for hyperparameter tuning is contained in the /hyperparam folder. The main script running the tuning is Furthermore, specifies the tuning ranges and specifies the validation loss for all methods. The subfolders contain the configuration files and optimal parameters for the different experiments (synthetic (n = 3000) = /sim3000, synthetic (n = 5000) = /sim5000, synthetic (n = 8000) = /sim8000, real-world data = /real). The optimal parameters are stored as .yaml files in the respective /params subfolder.


Code for our paper "Estimating individual treatment effects under unobserved confounding using binary instruments"






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