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mbeaty edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 6 revisions

Wiki Home


This is the Wiki home page for the meetup-assistant repository. Meetup Assistant (for lack of a better name) will be our first group app. The meetup-assistant repository exists within our newly-created github organization called DenverDroids. Each contributor to the project will be a member of the Android Developers team within the organization. As a member of the Android Developers team, you have both Pull and Push permissions. However, we won't have everyone pushing changes to the Master branch. More on that later. The purpose of this Wiki is to document and collaborate during development of the app. If you have something that you find yourself writing down in your notes or you have something that might help another developer, document it here in the Wiki. Everyone that is in the Android Developer team will be able to edit the Wiki. Feel free to add new content, including new wiki pages. You have the choice of several different Edit Modes (upper right drop-down menu). I prefer Markdown.

Getting Started

If you would like to contribute to this project:

  1. Create your github personal account if you don't already have one.
  2. Send me your github username so I can add you to the Android Developers team.
  3. If you're new to using Git and/or Github, spend a little time getting familiar with both. Github has some good documentation here. There is also a page of Git Resources.

Project Description

See the Feature List and Screen Mockups for a first cut at some high level UI-centered requirements for the app.

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