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DerFrZocker edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 4 revisions
Commands Description Permission
oregen reload Reload the Plugin custom.ore.gen.reload
oregen create <world> <name> <material> [<ore-generator>] [<block-selector>] Creates a new Ore-Config, in which you can set values custom.ore.gen.create
oregen set value <world> <ore-config> <setting> <value> Set a setting value to the ore config custom.ore.gen.set.value
oregen set biome <world> <ore-config> <biome> ... Set the biomes in which the ore should be genratet. You can set multiple Biomes, by seperatet them with a space. Biomes that are already set to the ore config, gets overridet. custom.ore.gen.set.biome
oregen set customdata <world> <ore-config> <customdata> <value> Set a custom data to the ore config custom.ore.gen.set.customdata
oregen set replacematerial <world> <ore-config> <material> ... Set the material on which the ore should be generate. You can set multiple Materials, by separate them with a space. Materials that are already set to the ore config, gets override. custom.ore.gen.set.replacematerial
oregen help [<subcommand>] Displays all commands and if a subcommand is specified, more details are displayed Any command permission

All commands have Tab Completions.

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