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Alex edited this page Sep 21, 2019 · 43 revisions

Welcome to the Mimsy-Bot wiki!

The bot can be adapted for personal use, but it is primarily made for this discord server: _ _

What it does:

Youtube integration:

  • Notifies users when (Youtube User) is streaming (Channel ID needed)
  • Posts link in channel linking to the stream
  • Command that will toggle the ability to be tagged by the bot when stream goes online: "!! (un)subscribe" or "!! (un)follow"

Cleverbot integration (Removed since Cleverbot is no longer a free service)

You can talk to the cleverbot AI in a predetermined channel or with the "!! ai <message>" command


Summon it to your voice channel and put in commands in the soundboard channel to play sounds:


  • Reacts to people with "flower" role, first message of the day is a flower
  • Reacts to people with "banana" role, first message of the day is a banana
  • Reacts to people with no role, first message of the day is a random emoji
  • Randomly reacts to messages with comments. (3% chance)
  • Follows members with VIP role (set in the config) in voice channels.

Server Management

  • Can log all server messages to Log channel
  • Logs messages sent in pm to the bot in a Log channel.
  • Has a suggestions channel where people can suggest with !! Suggest <suggestion>
  • Suggestions turn green when reacted to with a ✅ emoji by owner.
  • Suggestions turn red when reacted to with a ❌ emoji by owner.
  • Suggestions get deleted when reacted to with a ❌ emoji by original creator of the suggestion.
  • Comments with get deleted when owner reacts with a ☠️ emoji
  • Give medals to players for completing certain actions with !! medal <amount> (point name can be changed in config.yml)
  • See top (5*) players by amount of medals with !! topmedals
  • See how many medals you own with !! getmedals


  • Removes videos posted in unwanted channels, pm's the users with the right information
  • Command: "!! clear <userName#discriminator>" clears the last of messages of user in the channel.
  • Command: "!! warn <userName#discriminator>" Sends a warning to the user and logs to the moderation channel.


  • Command: "!! Hangman" Create a hangman game in pm.
  • Command: "!! video" Sends a random video to the user in pm.
  • Command: "!! avatar user" Displays a larger version of the users avatar.
  • Command: "!! fact" Responds with a false fact about the user.
  • Command*: "!! dog" Puts a dog in the channel
  • Command*: "!! giraffe Number" Puts a giraffe in the channel with a determined neck length
  • Command: "!! sb text" Makes Mimsy say the text in a mocking tone
  • Command: "!! rb text" Inserts color codes into text to make it rainbow coloured in an mc client. *==Command limited to certain users

ToDo List:


  • Poll command: Create a poll with Title+designated amount of options