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Api for the USB Rfm69 and Rfm9x serial device. The api allows for all configuration parameters of the Rfm69 and Rfm9x radio module to be configured via a command line interface.

Installing RfmUsb

Install the RfmUsb package via nuget package manager console:

Install-Package RfmUsb.Net

Supported .Net Runtimes

The RfmUsb.Net package is compatible with the following runtimes:

  • .Net Core 8.0

Creating Instance

An instance of an RfmUsb class can be created by providing an instance of an ILogger and a ISerialPortFactory

var logger = GetLogger();

var serialPortFactory = GetSerialPortFactory();

var rfmUsbDevice = Rfm69(logger, serialPortFactory);

Alternatively an instance can be configured using the standard microsoft DI framework.

var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection()
                .AddLogging(builder => builder.AddSerilog())
                .AddRfmUsb(); // Add the RfmUsb


The RfmUsb instance must be opened prior to usage.

 rfmUsbDevice.Open(comPort, 115200);


All of the configuration settings are assigned via properties of the IRfmUsb interface.

_rfmUsb.Open(serialPort, baudrate);


_rfmUsb.Timeout = 5000;

_rfmUsb.Modulation = Modulation.Fsk;
_rfmUsb.FrequencyDeviation = 0x01EC;
_rfmUsb.Frequency = 434300000;
_rfmUsb.RxBw = 14;
_rfmUsb.BitRate = 4800;
_rfmUsb.Sync = new List<byte>() { 0x2D, 0xD4 };
_rfmUsb.SyncSize = 1;
_rfmUsb.SyncEnable = true;
_rfmUsb.SyncBitErrors = 0;
_rfmUsb.PacketFormat = true;
_rfmUsb.DcFree = DcFree.Manchester;
_rfmUsb.CrcOn = false;
_rfmUsb.CrcAutoClear = false;
_rfmUsb.AddressFiltering = AddressFilter.None;
_rfmUsb.PayloadLength = 66;


Transmit a packet of data with the default transmit timeout. The transmit control registers need to be configured to allow transmission of the packet data.

// Transmit data with default transmission timeouts
rfmUsbDevice.Transmit(new List<byte>() { 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA });

Transmit a packet of data with a specific transmit timeout. The transmit control registers need to be configured to allow transmission of the packet data.

// Transmit data with a timeout
rfmUsbDevice.Transmit(new List<byte>() { 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA }, 1000);


Set the Dio pin Irq mask.

AutoResetEvent IrqSignal;

void RfmDeviceDioInterrupt(object? sender, DioIrq e)
    Console.WriteLine("Dio Irq [{e}]", e);

    if ((e & DioIrq.Dio0) == DioIrq.Dio0)

// Setup the radio irq pin enables
rfmUsbDevice.DioInterruptMask = DioIrq.Dio0;

rfmUsbDevice.DioInterrupt += RfmDeviceDioInterrupt;

Wait for an IRQ to occur


// Check the irq
if ((rfmUsbDevice.Irq & Irq.PayloadReady) == Irq.PayloadReady)
    // Process packet

Buffered Read And Writes

The maximum message size supported by direct read and write of the FIFO is limited to 64 bytes. To support message transmission and reception up to a maximum size of X bytes the RfmUsb IO buffer must be used.

Receive IO Buffer

The steps required to receive a message via the IO buffer.

  • Configure the RfmUsb radio
  • Set the Dio mapping for Dio0 to DioMapping1 to capture the PayloadReady Irq
  • Set the Dio mapping for Dio1 to DioMapping2 to capture the FifoNotEmpty Irq
  • Setup the PacketFormat to either fixed or variable length
  • Set PayloadLength to 0xFF
  • Enable the IO buffer via the BufferedIoEnable setting
  • Set the radio Mode to RX
  • Wait for the PayloadReady Irq
  • Read the message bytes to the IO buffer via the Stream
// Configure the radio
InitialiseRadioOpenThings(SerialPort, BaudRate);

// Attach event handlers

// Enable DIO0 to capture payload ready IRQ 
rfmUsbDevice.SetDioMapping(Dio.Dio0, DioMapping.DioMapping1);
// Enable DIO1 to capture fifo level IRQ for buffered read
rfmUsbDevice.SetDioMapping(Dio.Dio1, DioMapping.DioMapping2);
// Set the Irq mask
rfmUsbDevice.DioInterruptMask = DioIrq.Dio0 | DioIrq.Dio1;
// Enable the Buffered Io
rfmUsbDevice.BufferedIoEnable = true;
// Set the the payload length to 0xFF
rfmUsbDevice.PayloadLength = 0xFF;
// Set the mode to rx
rfmUsbDevice.Mode = Mode.Rx;

// Wait for Irq signal
SignalSource signalSource = WaitForSignal();

if (signalSource == SignalSource.Irq)
    if ((rfmUsbDevice.IrqFlags & Rfm69IrqFlags.PayloadReady) == Rfm69IrqFlags.PayloadReady)
        rfmUsbDevice.Mode = Mode.Standby;

        byte[] payload = new byte[rfmUsbDevice.Stream.Length];

        // Read the stream
        rfmUsbDevice.Stream.Read(payload, 0, payload.Length);

        // Process the payload
        // .............

Transmit IO Buffer

The steps required to transmit a message via the IO buffer.

  • Configure the RfmUsb radio
  • Setup the PacketFormat to either fixed or variable length
  • Enable the IO buffer via the BufferedIoEnable setting
  • Set the radio Mode to TX
  • Write the message bytes to the IO buffer via the Stream
// Configure the radio
InitialiseRadioOpenThings(SerialPort, BaudRate);

// Attach event handlers

// Enable DIO0 to capture payload ready IRQ 
rfmUsbDevice.SetDioMapping(Dio.Dio0, DioMapping.DioMapping0);
// Set the Irq mask
rfmUsbDevice.DioInterruptMask = DioIrq.Dio0;
// Enable the Buffered Io
rfmUsbDevice.BufferedIoEnable = true;
// Set the the payload length to 0xFF
rfmUsbDevice.PayloadLength = 0xFF;
// Set the mode to TX
rfmUsbDevice.Mode = Mode.Tx;

// Prepare payload
byte[] payload = new byte[10];

// Write the stream
rfmUsbDevice.Stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);