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Rsync-like file uploading program for Tahoe-LAFS. Also see tahoe-pyfuse3 for a Tahoe-LAFS FUSE mount client.


Native python

Install dependencies (probably in a venv):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run python3


The package tahoe-upload is available in my repository. If you run into missing dependency issues on older Debian/Ubuntu versions, use the tahoe-upload-static package instead (amd64 only).

To build these packages locally, run ./


The image derkades/tahoe-upload is available on Docker Hub.

Like rsync, the upload program can upload local files and directories to a Tahoe-LAFS directory.


usage: [-h] path api cap

positional arguments:
  path        Path to file or directory to upload. Like rsync, add a trailing slash to upload directory contents, no trailing slash to upload the directory itself.
  api         HTTP REST API URL of a Tahoe-LAFS node
  cap         Tahoe directory capability where files should be uploaded to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


python3 /some/dir http://localhost:3456 URI:DIR2:fzwyukltbehjx37nuyp6wy2qge:lzzg3oy2okmfcblquvoyp7qtq6xge2ptge6srogn56hbn7ckhgra


The upload script will recursively create directories and upload files in Tahoe-LAFS. Its duplicate file/directory behavior is best described using pseudocode:

if local is file:
    if remote is file:
        if remote and local file are same size:
            don't upload
            delete and re-upload
    else if remote is directory:
        delete directory and upload file
    else if remote doesn't exist:
        upload file
else if directory:
    if remote is file:
        delete file and create directory
    else if remote is directory:
        do nothing
    else if remote doesn't exist:
        create directory

    repeat for all files in this directory

The upload script will never move/delete/create/modify local files/directories.