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How to setup and use

Derpitron edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 7 revisions



  1. Clone/download the repository.


    • Clone with Git
      git clone
  2. Go to the location you installed the repository and run scripts/Windows/setup.bat.

  3. The requisite dependencies with install then the user/cfg.yml file will open, fill out the necessary credentials then save and close notepad.

  4. Run scripts/Windows/start.bat, Follow the instructions in the command prompt.

  5. An automated Google Chrome window will open. When the hCaptcha appears, complete it as normal.

  6. Wait for either a successful login, or a closed browser window (Failure to brute force codes)

Mac OS, Linux, other Non Windows based OS

  1. Clone/download the repository, and cd to it
git clone
cd Discord-OTP-Forcer
  1. Install the requisite dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Fill out the necessary credentials in the user/cfg.yml file.
  2. Run the file.
  1. An automated Google Chrome window will open. When the hCaptcha appears, complete it as normal.
  2. Wait for either a successful login, or a closed browser window (Failure to brute force codes)

Filling out the cfg.yml

The program has two modes reset and login we'll need to set programMode to one of these.

  • programMode:"reset" Will set the program to password reset mode.
  • programMode:"login" Will set the program to login mode.

After you've set the mode you'll need to chose what type of code you want the program to use, The program currently has 3 modes to choose from.

  • codeMode:"normal" Generates a 6-digit numeric 'normal' code.
  • codeMode:"backup" Generates an 8-digit alphanumeric 'backup' code.
  • codeMode:"both" Generates a code with a random possibility of being 'normal' or 'backup' type.

If you plan on using the Reset mode you'll need to fill out the newPassword and resetToken fields.

How to get your token

  1. Go to and enter the email for the account and click forgot password.


  1. Find the password reset email and click reset password.


  1. Your token will be in the URL for the password reset page.


You only need the part after the program will not work if you put the entire URL.