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/ fastapi-vue-blog Public archive

This is an educational project focused on developing a blog application using FastAPI, VueJs, MongoDB, and other technologies. Please be aware that the project may not strictly adhere to the best coding practices and application architecture.


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Blog development using Fast API, Vue.js and MongoDB


This project is an educational project for developing a blog using Fast API, Vue.js and MongoDB. The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the use of a NoSQL database and asynchronous CRUD operations. homepage The rest of the demo screenshots

Technology Stack

  • Programming Languages: Python, TypeScript/JavaScript
  • Backend Web Framework: FastAPI
  • Database: MongoDB (used with Beanie ODM)
  • Frontend Web Framework: Vue.js (with Quasar, Pinia, OpenAPI Typescript Codegen)
  • Honorable mention: OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow, Nginx, Chat completions API

Project Functionality

  1. Registration and Authentication: Users can register and authenticate using OAuth 2.0 JWT.
  2. Profile Management: Users can manage their profiles, including changing passwords and updating information. Administrators can also manage users.
  3. Blog Management: Authors can create, edit, and delete blog articles.
  4. Viewing Articles: Articles can be viewed as a list and in detail. Pagination and sorting are supported for displaying a large number of articles.
  5. Tags and Filters: Articles can be filtered by tags, and users can add tags to articles.
  6. Search: Search for articles using keywords.
  7. Comments: Users can add comments and reply to them.
  8. Article Generation: Admins can generate articles using the OpenAI chat completion API.

Installation and Local Setup

To run this project locally, you can use Docker Compose. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd fastapi-vue-blog
  2. Rename the example environment files located in the project's root directory:

    • Rename .env.production.example to .env.production
    • Rename .env.development.example to .env.development
  3. Open the newly created .env.production and .env.development files using a text editor. In these files, you can customize the variables according to your preferences. For example:

  4. Build and start the application containers using Docker Compose. You can specify profiles using the --profile argument as follows:

    • To deploy the full application stack, use:
    docker-compose --profile full-deploy up --build
    • To run only the FastAPI and MongoDB containers, use:
    docker-compose --profile backend-only up --build
    • To run only the MongoDB container, use:
    docker-compose --profile mongodb-only up --build

This command will download the necessary Docker images, build the application, and start the containers.

Accessing the Application


This project is distributed under the MIT License.


This is an educational project focused on developing a blog application using FastAPI, VueJs, MongoDB, and other technologies. Please be aware that the project may not strictly adhere to the best coding practices and application architecture.





