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Open Cloud API for Roblox experiences


RbxCloud is an open cloud API for Roblox experiences.

  • Object oriented
  • Aims to be as close to the Roblox API as possible for the following services:
    • DataStoreService
    • MessagingService
  • Promise-based
  • Support for non-JSON responses and such
  • Support for nearly all open-cloud features
    • Place publishing will come in a later update.


npm install rbxcloud

Example Usage

You can find working examples in example/general-usage.js or just read below:

Publish a message using MessagingService:

const { OpenCloud, MessagingService } = require('rbxcloud');
    MessagingService: 'API-KEY', // This is an API key for MessagingService
    UniverseId: 0, // You can get the UniverseId from the Asset explorer

MessagingService.PublishAsync('MyTopic', 'Hello World!').then(() => {
    console.log('Publish was a success!');
}).catch(err => {

Read, set, and update DataStore entry:

const { OpenCloud, DataStoreService } = require('rbxcloud');
const { DataStoreSetOptions } = DataStoreService.Objects;

    DataStoreService: 'API-KEY', // This is an API key for MessagingService
    UniverseId: 0, // You can get the UniverseId from the Asset explorer

const GoldStore = DataStoreService.GetDataStore('Gold');

GoldStore.GetAsync(125196014).then(([data, keyInfo]) => {
    console.log(keyInfo.DataType === JSON); // true / false
    console.log(keyInfo.CreatedTime); // UNIX Timestamp
    console.log(keyInfo.UpdatedTime); // UNIX Timestamp
    console.log(keyInfo.Version); // DataStore key version
    console.log(`The player has ${data.amount} gold!`)

// SetAsync the player's gold
GoldStore.SetAsync(125196014, {
    currency: 'Gold',
    amount: 100,
}).then((result) => {
    console.log('Data saved: ', result);
}).catch((err) => {
    console.log('Error', err);

// Delete the player's gold

// Increment a player's gold (incompatible with the current data setup though)
GoldStore.IncrementAsync(125196014, 5).then(([newAmount, keyInfo]) => {
    console.log(`The player now has ${newAmount} gold!`);
}).catch((err) => {

// Now use UpdateAsync; has nearly the exact same functionality as the native implementation. Do not yield this.
// Additionally, if you use this with the data being an array, you will lose your data unless you wrap the array inside another array.
GoldStore.UpdateAsync(125196014, function(data, keyInfo) {
    if (data.amount < 100) {
        data += 100;
    //return data; <-- This is valid
    // Alternatively, you can return numerous values as specified by the Roblox API for UpdateAsync:
    const metadata = {
        IsOwnedByAPlayer: true,
        IsThisPlayerVeryCool: true
    return [ data, [], metadata ]

// UpdateAsync with an array:
GoldStore.UpdateAsync(125196014, function(data, keyInfo) {
    data.push('Hello World!');
    return [ [ data ], [], metadata ]



Create an issue for any suggestions or bug reports that you find. Please ensure that you've read the documentation, and if you're creating an issue, verify that it isn't a duplicate.