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dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat  %W
title GANTT Chart for the Development of a Fullstack Decluttering App for REMONIDS
excludes weekends 2022-10-03 2022-11-01 2022-10-21 2022-10-26 2022-10-27 2022-10-28

section Backend & Database

Schema (mermaid)            :done, db_mermaid, 2022-10-18, 3d
Schema (prisma)             :done, db_prisma, after db_mermaid, 3d
Backend mock data           :done, mockdata, 2022-10-31, 2d
Backend mediator functions  :crit, done, api_mediator_functions, 2022-10-18, 8d

section Frontend

transition to using mediator functions     :crit, active,   refactor_api, after db_prisma after mockdata after api_mediator_functions, 2d
Figma wireframes                :done     figma_wireframe, 2022-10-18, 5d
refactor styles                 :active   refactor_style, after figma_wireframe, 3d

section Organization

Update call                     : update1, after refactor_style after refactor_api, 1d

National holidays:

  • Monday 03.10.2022 (Week 40) -Day of German Unity
  • Tuesday 01.11.2022 (Week 44) -Day of German Unity

Study events (not available for project work):

  • Friday 21.10.2022 -Checkpoint 3 (Week 42)
  • Wednesday-Friday 26.10.2022-28.10.2022 -Gamejam Hackathon (Week 43)


  • Architects: people who devise the "schema" of data layers and "endpoints" of API interfaces. In later stages they help create a development environment for other teams including providing sample data, unit tests, demanding architectural changes (i.e. refactoring), and monitoring code quality overall.
  • Designers: people who devise the LoFi wireframes in the beginning of the project. In later stages they do the actual design including the Figma mockups. Upon approval they move to providing the styled components (writing CSS from scratch or using any framework/library they deem appropriate). These people will also look after useability and responsive design, it is a massive job.
  • Frontend: people who use React.js or Next.js in any way they deem appropriate to build the logic of the frontend (i.e. browser) application. They are responsible for the offering a great functional experience. Using local storage, form constraints, and a great camera experience on mobile for the inspector user role. The use of any state manager or form validation library is allowed and encouraged.
  • Backend: people who use Express, Fastify or any other NodeJS framework to build the backend while implementing the API precisely as designed by the architects.


User roles

A person can only make use of the fullstack application by having a user account, which assigns the "user" (i.e. person in charge of the account) to a specific "user role".

Technically speaking, a user role is a collection of user permissions on the app.

Some examples of permissions are:

  • The permission to create a new de-cluttering case in the app
  • The permission to assign an existing de-cluttering case to a user in the app
  • The permission to reject a case that had been assigned to the user by another user in the app
  • The permission to delete a user account and all of the cases associated with the user account

Note that when decribing permissions, it is important to maintain a role-agnostic wording (e.g. the user, another user, etc.).

This way, the permissions remain independent from the user roles, allowing us to change the mapping between the two as needed in response to change in the user requirements.

Role descriptions

  • Manager: is the user role capable of creating new de-cluttering cases
  • Inspector: is the user role capable of filling in "inspection information" into a de-cluttering case that he/she is assigned to

Venn diagram

Venn diagrams of user roles in the application


  • developer rights: Are the user permissions not granted to any user role in the app
  • manager rights: Are the user permissions acquired by the manager role, but not the inspector role
  • inspector rights: Are the user permissions acquired by both the manager role and the inspector role

State-machine descriptions

Many systems can be modelled as state machines. Despite the name, a system that is modelled as a state machine does not need to be implented in hardware (i.e. as a physical machine). Namely, it is just for us to describe deterministic behavior in a very clear and an unambiguous way.

The fullstack application to be developed have two main types of statefull entitites:

  1. User accounts
  2. De-cluttering cases

The behavior of these entities is described using two state diagrams, in the following subsections.

User account states

The following diagram illustrates the different states of a user account, regardless of the user role assigned to this account.

    state "USER CREATED" as created
    state "USER CONFIRMED" as confirmed
    state "USER ACTIVE" as active
    state "USER INACTIVE" as inactive
    [*] --> created: a user account is created with\nan unconfirmed email address
    created --> confirmed: user confirms the email\naddress by opening the link
    confirmed --> inactive: user provides password
    inactive --> active: user toggles activity in app
    active --> inactive: user toggles activity in app
    active --> [*]: user is deleted by developer
    inactive --> [*]: user is deleted by developer

Create-account sequence diagram

    Note right of Frontend: User enters email and clicks 'register' 
    Frontend->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/register {email}
    Backend->>-Email: [Action] sends email with confirmation link
    Note left of Email: User clicks on confirmation link
    Email->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/{id}/confirmation?token=xxx
    Note right of Backend: Backend checks if token is valid
    Backend->>Frontend: HTTP Redirect to Frontend route for expired token
    Backend->>-Frontend: HTTP Redirect to Frontend route for continued registration {token}
    Note right of Frontend: User fills in user data and password
    Frontend->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/{id}/confirm {, token}
    Backend->>Frontend: Success message
    Backend->>-Frontend: Failure message

Forgot-password sequence diagram

    Note right of Frontend: User enters email and clicks 'forgot password' 
    Frontend->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/{id}/forgotPassword {email}
    Backend->>-Email: [Action] sends email with password reset link
    Note left of Email: User clicks on password reset link
    Email->>Frontend: HTTP Redirect to Frontend route for password reset
    Frontend->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/{id}/validateToken {token}
    Note right of Backend: Backend checks if token is valid
    Backend->>Frontend: Token is invalid
    Note right of Frontend: Frontend display error message (token expired)
    Backend->>-Frontend: Token is valid
    Frontend->>+Backend: [API Endpoint] /users/{id}/resetPassword {password, token}
    Backend->>Frontend: Failure message
    Note right of Frontend: Frontend display error message (unexpected error)
    Backend->>-Frontend: Success message
    Note right of Frontend: Frontend displays success message (password changed)

De-cluettering case states

The following diagram illustrates the different states that a de-cluttering case, and the transitions from and to the different states based on the interactions between the users of the platform and the case in the diagram.

Note that the diagram focusses on the lifecycle of the de-cluttering within the scope of the fullstack application being developed, only. Namely, we are only concerned with the states of the case as it lives through the fullstack application.

    state "CASE CREATED" as created
    state "CASE ASSIGNED" as assigned
    state "CASE CONFIRMED" as confirmed
    state "CASE ONGOING" as ongoing
    state "CASE READY" as ready
    state "CASE QUOTED" as quoted
    state "CASE CLOSED" as closed
    [*] --> created: manager creates de-cluttering case
    created --> assigned: manager assigns case to one inspector\n(named the assigned inspector or "AI")
    assigned --> created: AI(*) declines assignement
    assigned --> assigned: manager re-assigns case
    assigned --> confirmed: AI(*) accepts assignment
    confirmed --> ready: AI(*) fills in\nall information
    confirmed --> ongoing: AI(*) fills in some\ninformation
    ongoing --> ongoing: AI(*) fills in more\ninformation
    ongoing --> ready: AI(*) fills in missing or\nremaining information
    ready --> quoted: manager sends quote to household owner
    created --> closed: manager\ncloses\ncase
    assigned --> closed: manager\ncloses\ncase
    confirmed --> closed: manager\ncloses\ncase
    ongoing --> closed: manager\ncloses\ncase
    ready --> closed: manager\ncloses\ncase
    closed --> [*]: quote is closed for whatever reason
    quoted --> [*]: quote is accepted or rejected by household owner\n(this is not managed be the fullstack application)

(*): AI stands for the assigned inspector


The starting and ending points of the state diagram (i.e. the two terminal points above) encompass the scope of the fullstack application which is being developed.

Namely, the following things are outside the scope of the fullstack application:

  • Getting de-cluttering leads/contacts
  • Issuing de-cluttering quotes
  • Following up on issued quoted and re-issuing altered quotes
  • Payment collection and de-cluttering confirmation
  • Planning and execution of the de-cluttering itself
  • Any later procedures following the de-cluttering itself

Inspection information


REST API design

To be provided using OpenAPI (i.e. Swagger). Find documentation here

Database Schema

This is currently being generated from a declarative .prisma code source.

%%{init: {'theme':'base'}}%%
    USERS ||--o{ CASES : create
    CASES ||--o{ CASE_ITEMS : contain
    CASES o{--|| CASE_STATES : use
    CASES ||--o{ APPOINTMENTS : "can have"
    CASES ||--o{ CASE_HISTORY : "can have"
    CASE_HISTORY o{--|| USERS : use
    CASE_ITEMS ||--o{ CASE_PHOTOS : "can have"
    USERS {
        int id PK  "NOT_NULL"
        string username
        string email "NOT_NULL"
        string hash_password
        string role
        string state
        string token
        date_time created_time "NOT_NULL"
        date_time confirmed_time

    CASES {
        int id PK  "NOT_NULL"
        date_time create_time  "NOT_NULL"
        date_time assigned_time
        date_time agreeded_time
        string client_first_name
        string client_last_name
        string client_email  "NOT_NULL"
        string client_phone "NOT_NULL"
        string address  "NOT_NULL"
        int floor
        int elevator
        float squaremeters
        int quantity
        string way_to_property
        int type_of_property_id FK
        int state_id FK
        int manager_id FK
        int inspector_id FK
        int id PK  "NOT_NULL"
        int case_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        int room "NOT_NULL"
        string room_title
        string description
        int quantity
        int id PK
        int case_id FK
        int room FK
        blob photo
        int id PK "NOT_NULL"
        string title "NOT_NULL"
        int id PK "NOT_NULL"
        string title "NOT_NULL"
        int id PK  "NOT_NULL"
        date date  "NOT_NULL"
        time time_from  "NOT_NULL"
        time time_to  "NOT_NULL"
        int case_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        int id PK  "NOT_NULL"
        date_time time  "NOT_NULL"
        int case_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        int case_state_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        int case_new_state_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        int user_id FK  "NOT_NULL"
        string description
        jsonb case_data
        int id PK "NOT_NULL"
        int state_id "NOT_NULL"
        int next_state_id "NOT_NULL"
        string role "PK role + transition_id"
        int transition_id FK


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Contributors 4

