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WinForms Data Grid - Display popup images for grid rows (row indicator)

This example shows how to display super tooltips with images when a user hovers over a row indicator.

See the implementation of the ToolTipController.GetActiveObjectInfo event:

private void toolTipController1_GetActiveObjectInfo(object sender, ToolTipControllerGetActiveObjectInfoEventArgs e) {
    if (e.SelectedControl != gridControl1) return;
    ToolTipControlInfo info = null;
    SuperToolTip sTooltip1 = new SuperToolTip();
    try {
        GridView view = gridControl1.GetViewAt(e.ControlMousePosition) as GridView;
        if (view == null) return;
        GridHitInfo hi = view.CalcHitInfo(e.ControlMousePosition);
        if (hi.HitTest == GridHitTest.RowIndicator) {
            info = new ToolTipControlInfo(GridHitTest.RowIndicator.ToString() + hi.RowHandle.ToString(), "Row Handle: " + hi.RowHandle.ToString());
            ToolTipTitleItem titleItem1 = new ToolTipTitleItem();
            Image im = view.GetRowCellValue(hi.RowHandle, "Picture") as Image;
            ToolTipItem item1 = new ToolTipItem();
            item1.Image = im;
        info = new ToolTipControlInfo(hi.HitTest, "");
        info.SuperTip = sTooltip1;
    finally {
        e.Info = info;

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