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Logify Alert for PHP applications

A PHP client to report exceptions to Logify Alert.


Install manually

  • Copy the Logify folder to your PHP project.
  • Use the code below to include the LoadHelper.php file to the PHP script you use to call the Logify API. require_once('/Logify/LoadHelper.php');.
  • Register the library autoloader by executing the following code:
    spl_autoload_register(array("DevExpress\LoadHelper", "LoadModule"));

All classes in the library are wrapped in the DevExpress\Logify namespace. Apply the use operator as demonstrated below to get rid of long names in your code:

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\Attachment;

Install with Composer

  • Create a composer.json file in your project's root folder or use an existing one.
  • Add the section below to the composer.json file.
    "require": {
        "devexpress/logify.alert.php": "dev-master"
  • Execute the following command: php composer.phar install
  • Add require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';, to your PHP project. All classes in the client library are wrapped in the DevExpress\Logify namespace. Apply the use operator as demonstrated below to get rid of long names in your code:
use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\Attachment;

Quick Start

Automatic error reporting

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();
    $client->apiKey = 'SPECIFY_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';

Manual error reporting

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
    try {
        $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();
        $client->apiKey = 'SPECIFY_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
    catch (Exception $e) {


You can set up the Logify Alert client using the config.php file:

class LogifyAlert{
    public $settings = array(
        'apiKey' => 'SPECIFY_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
        'userId' => 'php user',
        'appName' => 'Test PHP Application',
        'appVersion' => '',
    public $collectExtensions = true;
    public $offlineReportsCount = 10;
    public $offlineReportsDirectory = '<directory-for-offline-reports>';
    public $offlineReportsEnabled = true;
    public $breadcrumbsMaxCount = 1100;

    public $ignoreKeyPattern = '([pP][aA][sS][sS][wW][oO][rR][dD])';
    public $ignoreGetBody = true;
    public $ignorePostBody = true;
    public $ignoreCookies = true;
    public $ignoreFilesBody = true;
    public $ignoreEnvironmentBody = true;
    public $ignoreRequestBody = true;
    public $ignoreServerVariables = true;


Execute the code below so the Logify client uses the created configuration file.

    $client->pathToConfigFile = '/config.php';




String. Specifies an API Key used to register an application within the Logify service.

    $client->apiKey = 'SPECIFY_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';


String. Specifies the application name.

    $client->appName = 'My Application';


String. Specifies the application version.

    $client->appVersion = '';


Attachments collection. Specifies a collection of files attached to a report. The total attachments size must not exceed 3 Mb per crash report. The attachment name must be unique within a crash report.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\Attachment;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();
    $client->apiKey = 'SPECIFY_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
    $attachment = new Attachment();
    $attachment->name = "My attachment's unique name per one report";
    $attachment->content = file_get_contents('C:\Work\Image_to_attach.jpg');
    // We strongly recommend that you specify the attachment type.
    $attachment->mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
    $attachments = array($attachment);
    $client->attachments = $attachments;



BreadcrumbsCollection. Specifies a collection of breadcrums attached to a report. The total breadcrumbs size must not exceed 3 Mb per crash report.


    $client->breadcrumbsMaxCount = 1100;

Integer. The default value is 1000. Specifies the maximum allowed size of attached breadcrumbs.


    $client->collectExtensions = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether loaded PHP extensions are collected and sent to the server.


Array. Gets the collection of custom data sent with generated reports. Use the customData property to attach additional information to the generated report. For instance, you can use this property to track additional metrics that are important regarding your application: CPU usage, environment parameters, etc.

    $customData = array('CustomerName' => 'Mary');
    $client->customData = $customData;


Array. Gets the collection of tags specifying additional fields from a raw report, which will be used in auto ignoring, filtering or detecting duplicates. A key is a tag name (a string that consists of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ characters), and a value is a tag value that is saved to a report. A new tag is added with Allow search enabled.

    $tags = array('OS' => 'Win8');
    $client->tags = $tags;

Ignore Variables

Specifies configuration values used to enable the $GLOBALS system values collection.

Note: Before collecting $GLOBALS system values, make sure none of them stores personal or private data (passwords, logins, and etc.). If so, use the ignoreKeyPattern property to exclude the required key's value from collecting.

    $client->ignoreKeyPattern = '([pP][aA][sS][sS][wW][oO][rR][dD])';
    $client->ignoreGetBody = true;
    $client->ignorePostBody = true;
    $client->ignoreCookies = true;
    $client->ignoreFilesBody = true;
    $client->ignoreEnvironmentBody = true;
    $client->ignoreRequestBody = true;
    $client->ignoreServerVariables = true;
    $client->ignoreKeyPattern = '([pP][aA][sS][sS][wW][oO][rR][dD])';

A regular expression to exclude personal or private data (passwords, logins, and etc.) from collecting the $GLOBALS system values. The default value is NULL - all system values are collected.

    $client->ignoreGetBody = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_GET array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignorePostBody = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_POST array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignoreCookies = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_COOKIE array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignoreFilesBody = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_FILES array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignoreEnvironmentBody = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_ENV array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignoreRequestBody = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_REQUEST array's data is collected and sent to the server.

    $client->ignoreServerVariables = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies whether the $_SERVER array's data is collected and sent to the server.


    $client->offlineReportsCount = 20;

Integer. Specifies how many previous reports are kept once an Internet connection is lost. Reports are only saved when the OfflineReportsEnabled property is set to *true.

    $client->offlineReportsEnabled = true;
    $client->offlineReportsCount = 20;


    $client->offlineReportsDirectory = '<directory-for-offline-reports>';

String. Specifies a directory path for storing reports once an Internet connection is lost. Reports are only saved when the OfflineReportsEnabled property is set to true.

    $client->offlineReportsEnabled = true;
    $client->offlineReportsDirectory = '<directory-for-offline-reports>';


    $client->offlineReportsEnabled = true;

Boolean. The default value is false. Specifies if Logify should store the last offlineReportsCount reports once an Internet connection is lost. Call the send_offline_reports method to send the kept reports once an Internet connection is available.

    $client->offlineReportsEnabled = true;
    $client->offlineReportsCount = 20; // Keeps the last 20 reports
    $client->offlineReportsDirectory = "<directory-for-offline-reports>";


String. Specifies the configuration file path. Refer to the Configuration section above for more information on the configuration file structure.

    $client->pathToConfigFile = '/config.php';


String. Specifies a unique user identifier that corresponds to the sent report.

    $client->userId = "";

Static Methods


Returns a single instance of the LogifyAlert class.

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

Methods for automatic reporting

Logify Alert allows you to listen to uncaught exceptions and deliver crash reports automatically using the methods below.


Commands Logify Alert to start listening to uncaught exceptions and sends reports for all processed exceptions.



Commands Logify Alert to stop listening to uncaught exceptions.


Methods for manual reporting

Alternatively, Logify Alert allows you to catch the required exceptions manually, generate reports based on caught exceptions and send these reports only. For this purpose, use the methods below.

send(Exception $ex)

Generates a crash report based on the caught exception and sends this report to the Logify Alert service.

try {
catch (Exception $ex) {

send(Exception $ex, $customData)

Sends the caught exception with the specified custom data to the Logify Alert service.

try {
catch (Exception $ex) {
    $customdata = array('FailedOperation' => 'RunCode');
    $client->send($ex, $customdata);

send(Exception $ex, $customData, $attachments)

Sends the caught exception with the specified custom data and attachments to the Logify Alert service.

use DevExpress\Logify\Core\Attachment;

    try {
    catch (Exception $ex) {
        $customdata = array('FailedOperation' => 'RunCode');
        $attachment = new Attachment();
        $attachment->name = "My attachment's unique name per one report";
        $attachment->content = file_get_contents('C:\Work\Image_to_attach.jpg');

        // We strongly recommend that you specify the attachment type.
        $attachment->mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
        $attachments = array($attachment);

        $client->send($ex, $customdata, $attachments);


Sends all reports saved in the offlineReportsDirectory folder to the Logify Alert service.

Methods for Breadcrumbs Collecting


Adds a breadcrumb with the specified message to the breadcrumbs collection. The default parameter value is an empty string ($message = "").

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.");

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category)

Adds a breadcrumb with the specified message and category to the breadcrumbs collection. The default category is an empty string ($category = "").

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category");

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime)

Adds a breadcrumb with the specified message, category and date/time to the breadcrumbs collection. The default date/time is UTC ($dateTime = date_create('UTC')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')).

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"));

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level)

Adds a breadcrumb with the specified message, category, date/time and level to the breadcrumbs collection. The default level is Info ($level = BreadcrumbLevel::Info).

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug);

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level, $event)

Adds a new breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs collection. The default event is Manual ($event = "manual").

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug, "MyEvent");

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level, $event, $className)

Adds a new breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs collection. The default class name is an empty string ($className = "").

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug, "MyEvent", "MyClass");

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level, $event, $className, $methodName)

Adds a new breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs collection. The default method name is an empty string ($methodName = "").

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug, "MyEvent", "MyClass", "MyMethod");

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level, $event, $className, $methodName, $line)

Adds a new breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs collection. The default line number is 0 ($line = 0).

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("breadcrumb message", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug, "MyEvent", "MyClass", "MyMethod", 10);

breadcrumbs->add($message, $category, $dateTime, $level, $event, $className, $methodName, $line, $customData)

Adds a new breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs collection. The default custom data number is empty ($customData = null).

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\BreadcrumbLevel;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $customData = array('breadcrumb1' => 'breadcrumbData1', 'breadcrumb2' => 'breadcrumbData2');

    $client->breadcrumbs->add("A breadcrumb message.", "debug_category", date("c"), BreadcrumbLevel::Debug, "MyEvent", "MyClass", "MyMethod", 10, $customData);


Gets all collected breadcrumbs.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    $breadcrumbs = $client->breadcrumbs->get();


Clears collected breadcrumbs.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();



set_can_report_exception_callback(callable $canReportExceptionHandler)

Occurs between generating a new crash report and calling the $beforeReportExceptionHandler.

The set_can_report_exception_callback event occurs right after a new report is generated and ready to be sent to the Logify Alert service. Handle this event by returning false from your function to cancel sending the report. Thus, the generated report is not sent to the service and the *set_before_report_exception_callback is not raised.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    function can_report_exception($exception){
        if($exception instanceof Error){
            return false;
        return true;

set_before_report_exception_callback(callable $beforeReportExceptionHandler)

Occurs before Logify Alert sends a new crash report to the service.

The set_before_report_exception_callback event occurs between the set_can_report_exception_callback event and sending a new report to the Logify Alert service. If sending the report is canceled in the set_can_report_exception_callback event's handler, the report is not sent and the set_before_report_exception_callback event is not raised. Use the set_can_report_exception_callback event's handler to add custom data or an attachment to the sent report by assigning the required data to the customData or attachments property.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;
use DevExpress\Logify\Core\Attachment;

    function before_report_exception(){
        $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();
        $attachment = new Attachment();
        $attachment->name = 'My attachment's unique name per one report';
        $attachment->mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
        $attachment->content = file_get_contents(''C:\Work\Image_to_attach.jpg'');;
        $client->attachments = array($attachment);
        $client->customData = array('CustomerName' => 'Mary');

set_after_report_exception_callback(callable $afterReportExceptionHandler)

Occurs after Logify Alert sends a new crash report to the service. The $afterReportExceptionHandler's $response parameter is true if the report has been sent successfully. Otherwise, the $response parameter contains the error message that occurred during sending.

use DevExpress\Logify\LogifyAlertClient;

    $client = LogifyAlertClient::get_instance();

    function after_report_exception($response){
        if($response !== true){
            echo $response.'<br />';

Custom Clients

You can create a custom client if the described one is not suitable. Refer to the Custom Clients document for more information.