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Main branch aac-puml Workflow Gitpod Ready-to-Code

This plugin implements a conversion from an AaC model definition specified in an .aac file to a PlantUML (PUML) file. (see

Tools exist at the the above website to convert the PUML file to a various types of diagram images. These types correspond to some traditional SysML diagram types: - Requirement diagram (REQ) - Structure Diagrams - Block Definition Diagram (BDD) - Internal Block Diagram (IBD) - Parametric Diagram (PAR) - Package diagram (PKG) - Behavior Diagrams - Activity diagram (ACT) - Sequence diagram (SD) - State Machine diagram (STM) - Use Case diagram (UC)

PYTHON VERSION COMPATIBILITY: Currently, Python version 3.9.13 is required to avoid certain dependency version issues.

pyproject.toml vs Previously, this project was built with dependency information kept in a script. However, the preferred method is to use pyproject.toml to set the project-level options. Required modules are kept in the file, and then the pip-compile command is used to add hashes to the requirements.txt file for enhanced security (see additional instructions below).

To coincide with these changes, some changes to tox.ini and the addition of a MANIFEST.ini file were also necessary.

These lines were added to tox.ini:
    isolated_build = True
    skipsdist = True

A MANIFEST file with these lines was added:
    graft src
    graft tests
    include tox.ini
    include src/puml/.aac

TO BUILD FROM TERMINAL: cd python pip install -e .

TO TEST FROM TERMINAL: cd python pip install -e . python -m unittest

To generate a requirements.txt file populated with hashes, use: pip install pip-tools pip-compile --generate-hashes