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System Test

Installing Dependencies

These steps should be required just once.

  • Install Docker
  • Install standalone kafka docker tool, in the system_test directory. It's already in .gitignore. If you already have it elsewhere or wish to share the installation, create a symlink so that we can find the helper scripts in ./system-test/standalone-kafka/kafka/bin/ relative to this repo's root.
  • Note that we rely on auto.create.topics.enable = true in the kafka broker config
$ git clone
$ cd standalone-kafka
$ docker build -t deviantart/standalone-kafka .
  • Install FakeS3 (assumes you have ruby/gem installed)
$ [sudo] gem install fakes3
$ [sudo] pip install kafka-python
$ [sudo] pip install boto

Setup Before Test Session

Since setup is somewhat expensive and complicated to automate in a highly portable fashion, we make setup a somewhat manual step to perform before running tests.

Start standalone-kafka Docker image

Kafka must be accessible on localhost:9092.

Run it with:

$ docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --name kafka deviantart/standalone-kafka

The name param means you can use $ docker kill kafka when you're done.

Map ports (old versions of Docker)

On newer versions of Docker (where Docker daemon is running directly on host kernel) you should be done.

Older versions of Docker, where docker is running inside of a virtual machine, you now need to forward localhost ports to the virtual machine.

Assuming you're using docker-machine to manage the virtual machine, you can map the ports with:

$ docker-machine ssh default -f -N -L 9092:localhost:9092 -L 2181:localhost:2181

Note: you need a recent version of docker-machine for this to work. Known to work on 0.5.6.

The same should work with regular ssh for a non-docker machine VM.

Running Tests

From the repo root dir, run:

$ python system_test/