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###A repository for testing Angular 2 with Dart

####Project Contents:

This project consists of a simple Angular 2 App written in Dart. It can be used as a reference for anyone interested in looking at a project complete with multiple components, routing, HTTP requests, one and two way binding, as well as other uses for directives.



You will require a copy of the Dart SDK, which includes the pub package manager. The Download Page contains OS specific instructions.

To develop more effectively, also Download Dartium, a version of Chromium with the Dart SDK installed. This will make development much easier, as you can natively run Dart code when developing instead of compiling it to Javascript.

It is recommended to develop in the Webstorm IDE or some other IDE or editor that has a plugin for Dart.

####Running The App:

First, make sure to run pub get / pub upgrade in the project root to retrieve any necessary packages.

Then, for production, run pub build to compile your Dart code to JavaScript. The generated JavaScript appears, along with supporting files, under the build directory.

You have a few options for running your app. One is to launch a local HTTP server and then view the app in Dartium. You can use whatever server you like, such as WebStorm's server or Python's SimpleHTTPServer.

Another option is to build and serve the app using pub serve, and then run it by visiting http://localhost:8080 in any modern browser. Pub serve generates the JavaScript on the fly, which can take a while when you first visit the page.


The Dart test package ( can be used for unit testing Dart class functionality. Tests can be run by executing "pub run test <path_to_test>". Excluding the path will directly reference the test folder in the project directory.

Tests can be debugged by passing the --pause-after-load flag to the test runner.

The test runner considers any file that ends with _test.dart to be a test file. If you don't pass any paths, it will run all the test files in your test/ directory, making it easy to test your entire application at once.

By default, tests are run in the Dart VM, but you can run them in the browser as well by passing pub run test -p chrome path/to/test.dart. test will take care of starting the browser and loading the tests, and all the results will be reported on the command line just like for VM tests. In fact, you can even run tests on both platforms with a single command: pub run test -p "chrome,vm" path/to/test.dart.

Angular 2 with Dart Tests have their own package ( which can test Angular components. An official example is in the angular repo under the test folder for Dart:

A Typescript Reference Video can give you a better idea of how to test the Angular way.

Otherwise, check out the examples in this project under test.


    test: '^0.12.6'
    angular2_testing: any


There are several files associated with Docker in this project:


Exposes port 8080 and runs pub serve on port 8080

Build the Image with: 'docker build -t dart_img .'

Run a container with:'docker run -d -p 8080:8080 dart_img'

View the running intance by going to: ''


Builds the app and copies the contents to a file that will be mounted to an nginx container


Launches an nginx container to serve the Dart Angular 2 App

Run the follwoing commands from the project directory:

Build: 'docker-compose build'

Run: 'docker-compose up -d'

Kill: 'docker-compose kill'


When developing Angular 2 in Dart, you need to be aware that you are working with a beta framework, meaning it can often create a lot of cryptic error messages that often boil down to linking errors and missing references.

Below are listed some common steps and solutions I have found when working with the Angular 2 framework in Dart.

  • When in doubt, pub build in debug mode. Not all errors show when you execute the app in Dartium. Forcing an attempt at compiling to Javascript will often show linking errors in your project that if not built, will just leave the app hanging.

  • Make sure to check that templateUrls are referenced correctly, for example templateUrl: "app_omponent.html" when it is actually "app_component.html".

    [DirectiveProcessor on angular2_dart|lib/app_component.dart]: ERROR: Invalid argument (url): "Could not read asset at uri asset:angular2_dart/lib/app_omponent.html"

  • Check selectors are named correctly in the html files.

    EXCEPTION: The selector "my-app" did not match any elements

  • Verify that your directives are correct / you have all required directives. This is the first place to check when a component you created just isn't loading. Make sure your directives list has the required directive classes included.

    directives: const [HomePage, ...]

  • This Error can arise when the .pubcache becomes corrupted. Removing the cache (sudo rm -r /home//.pubcache) and running pub get should resolve this.

    Could not find a file named"pubspec.yaml"in"/home//.pubcache/hosted/".


A repository for testing Angular 2 with Dart







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