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Todiramphus RADseq project


This repository contains a comprehensive compilation of code and expalanatory visualizations associated with the paper "Mitonuclear discordance results from incomplete lineage sorting, with no detectable evidence for gene flow, in a rapid radiation of Todiramphus kingfishers"

Reproduce analyses from this paper

  • If you would like to reproduce any analyses from this paper start in the 'data' subdirectory ( which will instruct you on exactly how to find the input dataset you're looking for. If you have further questions, I would be happy to hear from you at devonderaad[at]

Reference genome quality assessment

Distribution and sampling mapping

Data generation

Sequence data to SNPs

Quality filtering raw, unfiltered SNPs

Population genetic analyses


Pairwise divergence matrices

Species tree reconstruction

  • All input files and code necessary to reconstruct the mtDNA and nDNA species trees generated with IQtree2 and ASTRAL-III respectively, are available here:

  • In specific, a detailed workflow showing the step-by-step process of generating gene tree alignments from filtered SNP data, generating a species tree using ASTRAL-III, and calculating gene and site condordance factors on this species tree is available here.

Compare site and gene concordance factors

Species tree reconstruction using SNAPP

Species network reconstruction

ABBA/BABA tests for gene flow

Species tree reconstruction with TreeMix