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Angular Bootstrap Pagination
Angular Bootstrap Pagination is a component used to indicate existence of a series of related content across multiple pages and enables navigation across them

Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination

Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination is a component used to indicate existence of a series of related content across multiple pages and enables navigation across them.

We use a large block of connected links for our pagination, making links hard to miss and easily scalable - all while providing large hit areas. Pagination is built with list HTML elements so screen readers can announce the number of available links. We use a wrapping <nav> element to identify it as a navigation section to screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Importing the Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination Module

To use the Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination component in your project you need to import PaginationModule.

import {PaginationModule } from 'cdbangular';

Default Pagination

Alongside the CDBPagination component, we also use the CDBPageItem, this represents an item in the CDBPagination component. Next, we imported the CDBPageLink component, this component acts as a link.

Setting the circle prop makes our pagination more rounded. Use the size prop to describe how little or large you want your pagination to be, and the color prop.

Angular Bootstrap Pagination Default

    <CDBPagination [circle]=true>
    <CDBPagination [circle]=true size="big" color="success">
    <CDBPagination size="small" color="secondary">
    <CDBPagination color="warning" [sm]=true>
    <CDBPagination color="white" [sm]=true>
    <CDBPagination color="white">
    <CDBPagination color="danger">

API Reference: Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination Props

This section will build on your information about the props you get to use with the Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination component. You will find out what these props do, their default values, and how you would use them in your code.

The table below lists other prop options of the CDBPagination component.

Name Type Default Description Example
class String Adds custom classes Adds custom classes class="myClass"
size String Changes size of pagination component. Choose from lg and sm size="sm"
sm Boolean false Changes the size of pagination component to sm sm=true
circle Boolean false Changes the shape of pagination component to circular circle=true
color String dark Changes default pagination buttons color; available values: [white, dark, primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info] color="white"

API Reference: Contrast Angular Bootstrap Pagination Item Props

The table below lists other prop options of the CDBPageItem component.

Name Type Default Description Example
class String Adds custom classes class="myClass"
disable Boolean false Disables item from being clicked disabled=true
active Boolean false Sets active state of the button active=true

API Reference: Contrast Bootstrap Pagination Link Props

The table below lists other prop options of the CDBPageLink component.

Name Type Default Description Example
class String Adds custom classes class="myClass"
disable Boolean false Disables item from being clicked disabled=true
active Boolean false Sets active state of the button active=true