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EVM Faucet

This is a Faucet app for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. It is forked from Avalanche faucet ( and modified to remove all non-EVM related code. Therefore, it will only work with the C-Chain or any EVM compatible subnets on Avalanche network as well as any EVM blockchain.

There are two different layers in this project. The Node Express backend and the Vue.js frontend.


Vue Application


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Go to the root directory cd evm-faucet
  3. Install javascript dependencies with yarn install.
  4. Create a .env file by copying .env.example.

ENV Files

Variables beginning with VUE_APP_ will get injected into the vue application.

Refer to .env.example

  • ASSET_ID The asset id of the asset the faucet will give
  • DROP_SIZE How much gas token is given from this faucet in wei unit
  • PRIVATE_KEY A private key for the C chain with funds in it to be dripped
  • RPC_URL The URL address to the evm RPC node
  • CAPTCHA_SECRET Your captcha secret from Google reCaptcha
  • VUE_APP_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY Your public site captcha key from Google reCaptcha
  • ERL_WINDOW_MIN Time period for which requests are checked/remembered in minutes
  • ERL_MAX_HIT The maximum number of connections to allow during the time window
  • ERL_NUM_PROXIES The number of proxies between the user and the server

Running The Project

The faucet needs an EVM rpc node to connect.

  1. Enter all environment variables correctly and fund your private key with enough funds for faucet to drip.
  2. Run the project with hot reloading using yarn serve

When you go to the website on your browser, you might get a warning saying 'Site is not secure'. Install an SSL certificate following your cloud provider's instructions for production environments.

Node Express

The backend is used to verify captchas and make a request to the EVM RPC node to issue tokens. The backend files are stored in the src/server directory.

The node is automatically started with the yarn serve command but can be individually started with node src/server/index.js


  1. Setup environment variables for production
  2. Compile and minify to have a production ready application with the appropriate yarn build-* command. Customize build command in package.json as needed.
  3. Run the node backend by running node src/server/index.js. Procfile in the root directory will do this step automatically if you are deploying it as an AWS Elastic Beanstalk app. Check specifics of your cloud provider as needed.

Browser Support

We suggest using Google Chrome to view the EVM Faucet website.

Firefox and https

Firefox does not allow https requests to localhost. But the EVM Faucet uses https by default, so we will need to change this to http. Make this switch by editing the vue.config.json file in the root directory and change

devServer: {
    https: true


devServer: {
    https: false

and run yarn serve to reflect the change.

Query Parameters

You can pass in the fields below to the faucet URL.

  1. address for example <EVM FAUCET URL>/?address=0xbcd4042de499d14e55001ccbb24a551f3b954096. Will populate the address field from the query.

QR Reader and HTTPS

Most browsers disable access to cameras if the website is not served over https. For this reason the QR reader at the address input field may fail to find any cameras if served over http.

Rate Limiting

EVM Faucet uses express-rate-limit node.js package ( If you are behind a proxy/load balancer (usually the case with most hosting services, e.g. Heroku, Bluemix, AWS ELB, Nginx, Cloudflare, etc.), you may need to read the section on Troubleshooting Proxy Issues at


A frontend app in VUE for an EVM faucet with built-in backend server







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