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ReConnect: Rehabilitation Online


Welcome to ReConnect: Rehabilitation Online - a revolutionary tech-driven platform designed to empower individuals in their journey to overcome addiction seamlessly. This README file provides an insightful overview of the innovative features and functionalities offered by ReConnect.

Use Case Diagram

ReConnect: Rehabilitation Online

ReConnect is a comprehensive and technologically enriched rehabilitation experience. It transcends conventional approaches, offering a personalized and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery. The platform is meticulously designed to tackle social stigma, privacy concerns, geographical limitations, and cost barriers.

Features of the Web Application

1. Authentication for Users and Counsellors

ReConnect ensures utmost confidentiality and trust with user authentication and multi-layered security protocols, establishing an impenetrable fortress.

2. User Dashboard

An intuitive dashboard tracks progress, tasks, and customized schedules based on withdrawal stages. Inspirational affirmations and motivational quotes dynamically adapt to each user's unique journey.

3. Weekly Webinars

Live lifeline webinars led by caring experts provide support, shared stories, and hope. It's a rhythmic gathering where seasoned counselors share wisdom, fostering a warm community.

4. Community Chat Rooms

Anonymous chat spaces encourage connections, enabling users to share experiences, provide support, and conquer isolation perpetuated by social stigma.

5. Success Stories (Blogs)

Real-life triumphs showcased in blogs give hope and initiate a collective sense of achievement, reminding users they are not alone on the path to recovery.

6. Rewards System

An advanced rewards system adapts to individual preferences, offering personalized incentives and celebrating milestones in the recovery journey.

7. Daily Streak and Addiction Tracker

Gamification elements, including visually appealing streak counters and an insightful addiction tracker, provide real-time feedback, promoting a sense of accomplishment and awareness.

8. Notifications

Crafted with empathy, user-centric notifications offer motivational support, strategically timed to align with routines, celebrating progress, providing event reminders, and contributing to a personalized, encouraging environment.

9. Gratitude Section

Reflect on daily positives with the gratitude section, fostering a positive mindset throughout the recovery journey.

10. Sunday Wrapped - Weekly Performance Report

A detailed "Sunday Wrapped" report focuses on weekly achievements, areas for improvement, and personalized insights, encouraging self-reflection and goal improvement.


ReConnect: Rehabilitation Online is more than a website; it's a friendly guide providing a safe and caring space with features like progress tracking, weekly reports, and a supportive community. With security and personalized tools, it simplifies the journey to recovery. ReConnect is not just a platform; it's a friend cheering users on every step, a simple, helpful, and positive place for people to find support and reclaim a happy life.

Technology Stack

ReConnect: Rehabilitation Online leverages a powerful and modern technology stack to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. Here's an overview of the key technologies and their roles in the application:

  • MongoDB

    • Role: Database for storing user profiles, progress data, and other application-related information.
  • Express.js

    • Role: Server framework facilitating the development of robust and scalable RESTful APIs for communication between the frontend and backend.
  • React.js

    • Role: Frontend library for building a dynamic and responsive user interface, powering the user dashboard, success stories, and other interactive elements.
  • Node.js

    • Role: Server-side runtime environment executing JavaScript code, coordinating the server-side logic, and handling requests from the frontend.

    • Role: Enables real-time communication in chat rooms, fostering a sense of community and connection among users.
  • WebSockets

    • Role: Facilitates live interaction during weekly webinars, creating a seamless and immersive experience for users.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

    • Role: Implements secure user authentication, ensuring confidentiality and trust in user interactions.
  • Mongoose

    • Role: An ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB, simplifying interactions with the database and enhancing data validation.
  • Material-UI

    • Role: Utilized for building a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, enhancing the overall user experience.

This robust technology stack ensures the reliability, security, and scalability of ReConnect, providing users with an innovative and effective platform for addiction recovery.


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