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This is an Algorithm project written in C by Dinobi Udeh during the Full Stack Software Engineering studies at ALX.

Header Files

  • sort.h: Header File containing definitions and prototypes for all functions written for the project. Data Structure:
typedef struct listint_s
      const int n;
      struct listint_s *prev;
      struct listint_s *next;
} listint_t;

Function Prototypes:

Files Prototypes
0-bubble_sort.c void bubble_sort(int *array, size_t size);
print_array.c void print_array(const int *array, size_t size);
print_list.c void print_list(const listint_t *list);
1-insertion_sort_list void insertion_sort_list(listint_t **list);
2-selection_sort.c void selection_sort(int *array, size_t size);
3-quick_sort.c void quick_sort(int *array, size_t size);
100-shell_sort.c void shell_sort(int *array, size_t size);
101-cocktail_sort_list.c void shell_sort(int *array, size_t size);
102-counting_sort.c void counting_sort(int *array, size_t size);
103-merge_sort.c void merge_sort(int *array, size_t size);
104-heap_sort.c void heap_sort(int *array, size_t size);
105-radix_sort.c void radix_sort(int *array, size_t size);
106-bitonic_sort.c void bitonic_sort(int *array, size_t size);
107-quick_sort_hoare.c void quick_sort_hoare(int *array, size_t size);

Tasks 📜

  • 0-bubble_sort.c: This is a function written in C that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Bubble Sort Algorithm.
  • 0-O: File containing the best, average and worst case time complexity
  1. Insertion sort

    1-insertion_sort_list.c: C function that sorts a listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the Insertion Sort algorithm. Prints the list after each swap. 1-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Insertion Sort algorithm, one per line.

  2. Selection sort

    2-selection_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Selection Sort algorithm. Prints the array after each swap.

    2-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Selection Sort algorithm, one per line.

  3. Quick sort

    3-quick_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm. Implements the Lomuto partition scheme. Always uses the last element of the partition being sorted as the pivot. Prints the array after each swap. 3-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Quick Sort Lomuto Partition scheme algorithm, one per line.

  4. Shell sort - Knuth Sequence

    100-shell_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Shell sort algorithm. Implements the Knuth interval sequence. Prints the array each time the interval is decreased.

  5. Cocktail shaker sort

    101-cocktail_sort_list.c: C function that sorts a listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the Cocktail Shaker Sort algorithm. Prints the list after each swap. 101-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Cocktail Shaker Sort algorithm, one per line.

  6. Counting sort

    102-counting_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Counting Sort algorithm. Assumes that the array will only contain numbers >= 0. Prints the counting array after it has been initialized. 102-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Counting Sort algorithm, one per line.

  7. Merge sort

    103-merge_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Merge Sort algorithm. Implements the top-down Merge Sort algorithm. When an array is divided, the size of the left subarray is always less than or equal to the size of the right subarray. Always sorts the left subarray before the right one. Prints subarrays each time they are merged. 103-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Merge Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • Heap sort

    104-heap_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Heap Sort algorithm. Implements the sift-down Heap Sort algorithm. Prints the array after each swap. 104-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexiites of the Heap Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • Radix sort

    105-radix_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Radix Sort algorithm. Implements the Least-Significant-Digit (LSD) Radix Sort algorithm. Assumes that the array will only contain numbers >= 0. Prints the array for each significant digit increase. 105-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Radix Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • Bitonic sort

  • 106-bitonic_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Bitonic Sort algorithm. Assumes that size is a power of 2 (ie. size can be expressed as 2^k where k >= 0). Prints subarrays each time they are merged. 106-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Bitonic Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • Quick Sort - Hoare Partition scheme

  • 107-quick_sort_hoare.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm. Implements the Hoare partition scheme. Always uses the last elemement of the partition being sorted as the pivot. Prints the array after each swap. 107-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Quick Sort Hoare Partition cheme algorithm, one per line.


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