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Flexible matching

Beth Skurrie edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 6 revisions

Please read about using regular expressions and type based matching here before continuing.

Note: The following will only work with verifications done by the Ruby Pact library, because it uses a Ruby specific way of serialising the data structure.

Match by regular expression

Define this function (it will be added to Pact soon).

function term(term) {
  return {
    "json_class": "Pact::Term",
    "data": {
      "generate": term.generate,
      "matcher": {
        "json_class": "Regexp",
        "o": 0,
        "s": term.matcher

Remember that the mock service is written in Ruby, so the regular expression must be in a Ruby format, not a Javascript format.

  .given('there is a product')
  .uponReceiving("request for products")
    method: "get",
    path: "/products"
      "collection": [
          guid: term({matcher: "\\d{16}", generate: "1111222233334444"})

Match based on type

Define this function (it will be added to Pact soon).

function somethingLike(value) {
  return {
    "json_class": "Pact::SomethingLike",
    "contents" : value
  .given('there is a product')
  .uponReceiving("request for products")
    method: "get",
    path: "/products"
      "collection": [
          id: somethingLike(1)
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