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add dls runner
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Andrew McCluskey committed Oct 14, 2020
1 parent 5961b12 commit 9b0982a
Showing 1 changed file with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions islatu/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
from islatu import background
from islatu import corrections
from islatu import cropping
from islatu import image
from islatu import io
from islatu import refl_data
from islatu import stitching
from yaml import load, CLoader
import datetime
from os import path
from ast import literal_eval as make_tuple
from uncertainties import ufloat
import numpy as np

function_map = {'gaussian_1d': background.fit_gaussian_1d,
'guassian_2d': background.fit_gaussian_2d,
'i07': io.i07_dat_parser,
'crop': cropping.crop_2d,
'crop_peak': cropping.crop_around_peak_2d,

class Foreperson:
def __init__(self):
self.instrument = None
self.parser = None
self.visit_id = None
self.year =
self.directory_path = None
self.crop_function = function_map['crop_peak']
self.crop_kwargs = None
self.bkg_function = function_map['gaussian_1d']
self.bkg_kwargs = None
self.dcd_normalisation = None
self.sample_size = None
self.beam_width = None
self.n_qvectors = 50
self.q_min = None
self.q_max = None
self.q_step = None
self.q_shape = 'linear'
self.n_columns = 3
self.theta_axis_name = None
self.q_axis_name = "qdcd"
self.transpose = False
self.qz_dimension = 1
self.qxy_dimension = 0
self.pixel_max = 1e6
self.hot_pixel_max = 1e5

def ready(self, directory):
directory_path = directory.format(self.instrument, self.year, self.visit_id)
if path.isdir(directory_path):
self.directory_path = directory_path
raise FileNotFoundError("The experiment directory cannot be found.")

def reduce(run_numbers, yaml_file, directory='/dls/{}/data/{}/{}/'):
The runner that parses the yaml file and performs the data reduction.
run_numbers (:py:attr:`list` of :py:attr:`int`): Reflectometry scans that
make up the profile.
yaml_file (:py:attr:`str`): File path to instruction set.
the_boss = Foreperson()
y_file = open(yaml_file, 'r')
recipe = load(y_file, Loader=CLoader)
keys = recipe.keys()
if 'instrument' in keys:
the_boss.instrument = recipe['instrument']
the_boss.parser = function_map[recipe['instrument']]
raise ValueError("No instrument given in {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'visit' in keys:
the_boss.visit_id = recipe['visit']['visit_id']
if 'year' in recipe['visit'].keys():
the_boss.year = recipe['visit']['year']
raise ValueError("No visit given in {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'crop' in keys:
the_boss.crop_function = function_map[recipe['crop']['method']]
if 'kwargs' in recipe['crop']:
the_boss.crop_kwargs = recipe['crop']['kwargs']
if 'background' in keys:
the_boss.bkg_function = function_map[recipe['background']['method']]
if 'kwargs' in recipe['background']:
the_boss.bkg_kwargs = recipe['background']['kwargs']
if 'setup' in keys:
if 'dcd_normalisation' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.dcd_normalisation = recipe['setup']['dcd_normalisation']
if 'sample_size' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.sample_size = make_tuple(recipe['setup']['sample_size'])
_ = len(the_boss.sample_size)
the_boss.sample_size = ufloat(the_boss.sample_size[0], the_boss.sample_size[1])
except TypeError:
raise ValueError("No sample_size given in setup of {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'beam_width' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.beam_width = make_tuple(recipe['setup']['beam_width'])
_ = len(the_boss.beam_width)
the_boss.beam_width = ufloat(the_boss.sample_size[0], the_boss.sample_size[1])
except TypeError:
raise ValueError("No beam_width given in setup of {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'theta_axis' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.theta_axis_name = recipe['setup']['theta_axis']
if 'q_axis' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.q_axis_name = recipe['setup']['theta_axis']
if 'transpose' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.transpose = recipe['setup']['transpose']
if the_boss.transpose:
the_boss.qz_dimension = 0
the_boss.qxy_dimension = 1
if 'pixel_max' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.pixel_max = recipe['setup']['pixel_max']
if 'hot_pixel_max' in recipe['setup'].keys():
the_boss.hot_pixel_max = recipe['setup']['hot_pixel_max']
raise ValueError("No setup given in {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'rebin' in keys:
if 'n_qvectors' in recipe['rebin'].keys():
the_boss.n_qvectors = recipe['rebin']['n_qvectors']
elif 'min' in recipe['rebin'].keys() and 'max' in recipe['rebin'].keys() and 'step' in recipe['rebin'].keys():
the_boss.q_min = recipe['rebin']['min']
the_boss.q_max = recipe['rebin']['max']
the_boss.q_step = recipe['rebin']['step']
if 'shape' in recipe['rebin'].keys():
the_boss.q_shape = recipe['rebin']['shape']
raise ValueError("Please define parameters of rebin in {}.".format(yaml_file))
if 'output_columns' in keys:
the_boss.output_columns = recipe['output_columns']


files_to_reduce = []
for f in run_numbers:
files_to_reduce.append(the_boss.directory_path + f + '.dat')

print("-" * 10)
print('File Parsing')
print("-" * 10)
refl = refl_data.Profile(files_to_reduce, the_boss.parser, the_boss.q_axis_name,
the_boss.theta_axis_name, None, 0, the_boss.pixel_max,
the_boss.hot_pixel_max, the_boss.transpose)
print("-" * 10)
print("-" * 10)
refl.crop(the_boss.crop_function, the_boss.crop_kwargs)

print("-" * 10)
print('Background Subtraction')
print("-" * 10)
refl.bkg_sub(the_boss.bkg_function, the_boss.bkg_kwargs)

print("-" * 10)
print('Estimating Resolution Function')
print("-" * 10)
refl.resolution_function(the_boss.qz_dimension, progress=True)

print("-" * 10)
print('Performing Data Corrections')
print("-" * 10)
if the_boss.dcd_normalisation is not None:
itp = corrections.get_interpolator(the_boss.dcd_normalisation, the_boss.parser)
refl.footprint_correction(the_boss.beam_width, the_boss.sample_size)

print("-" * 10)
print("-" * 10)
if the_boss.q_min is None:
if the_boss.q_space is 'linear':
spacing = np.linspace
elif the_boss.q_space is 'log':
spacing = np.logspace
refl.rebin(new_q=spacing(the_boss.q_min, the_boss.q_max, the_boss.q_step))

if the_boss.output_columns == 3:
data = np.array([refl.q, refl.R, refl.dR]).T
np.savetxt(the_boss.directory_path + '/processing/' + run_numbers[0] + '.dat', data, header='q R dR \n{}'.format(recipe))
elif the_boss.output_columns == 4:
data = np.array([refl.q, refl.R, refl.dR, refl.dq]).T
np.savetxt(the_boss.directory_path + '/processing/' + run_numbers[0] + '.dat', data, header='q R dR dq \n{}'.format(recipe))
print("-" * 10)
print('Reduced Data Stored in Processing Directory')
print("-" * 10)

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