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a646767 edited this page Mar 10, 2012 · 5 revisions
  • Download the latest version.
  • Extract the zip archive and copy the lbwebstats folder to your webserver.
  • Open the config.php with the text editor of your choice and edit the MySQL config. When your webserver is on the same machine as your Minecraft server, you use the same values as in the LogBlock configuration. You can also select the language. Currently available are en and de. Save the config, and upload it, in case you edited it locally.
  • Add write access for lbwebstats/players to that user that runs the webserver (www-data in most cases), to allow caching of player images.
  • You can easily customize the background with a screenshot of your world: Just replace the bg.png file. You may have to cut the height a bit, to support widescreen monitors.
  • If you want the webstats to fit into a webpage, you can easily use a page with an iframe. Depending on your CMS, there are some very similar ways (ask someone who knows about your CMS, when you aren't sure).


<iframe id="lbwebstats" style="width: 100%; border: 0" src="lbwebstats/index.php" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
	function resizeIframe(dynheight) {
		document.getElementById("lbwebstats").height = parseInt(dynheight) + 10;


	echo '<iframe id="lbwebstats" style="width: 100%; border: 0" src="lbwebstats/index.php" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
	function resizeIframe(dynheight) {
		document.getElementById("lbwebstats").height = parseInt(dynheight) + 10;

Indices Optimization

Adding these indices can speed up the select time by up to 10 times, depending on the database size. This won't harm LB, but could cause inserts to be processed slower. If you worry about insert sepeed or database size don't add the seconds webstats index, it will still speed up selects by 5 to 6 times.

ALTER TABLE `lb-world` DROP INDEX playerid, ADD INDEX webstats1 (playerid, type, replaced), ADD INDEX webstats2 (playerid, replaced, type);
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