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Astro Code of the KoMa website.

Astro is a static site generator that takes these Markdown templates and produces static HTML files.

How to contribute

Fork this repository, make your changes, and open a pull request. Once the pull request is merged, the changes will be deployed automatically.


Short: Use Astro.

Long: You will need a working Javascript runtime (e.g., nodejs) and a package manager such as npm. Then install the dependencies and run npm run dev.

Nix (best support)

# nix packet manager works in almost any linux distribution, mac and wsl1/2

# with flake-support enabled (

# building:
nix build -L .

# install dependencies:
nix run .#install

# development server:
nix run


# ruby installation stuff:
sudo apt install nodejs npm
cd ""
git pull  # make sure to be on main, pull latest version :)
npm install  # install dependencies
npm run dev  # start development server


Likely the same as above, but use homebrew instead of apt?


You've lost the game anyways, perhaps try WSL2 with nix?

Windows with WSL Ubuntu

Cloning and Installation (run once)

# clone "" to a directory without any spaces!
# start wsl in the directory

sudo apt install nodejs npm  # install nodejs and packages

Serving the Website locally

# start wsl in the directory

git pull  # make sure to be on main, pull latest version :)
npm install  # install js dependencies of this project
npm run dev  # start development server

# open http://localhost:4321/ in a browser (either host or within wsl)